[hider=Sheevi Mekedo] [b]Sheevi Mekedo[/b] [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/f92c/i/2012/089/7/c/the_witch_by_thedurrrrian-d4ue4h5.jpg[/img] [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/6da5/f/2012/064/7/5/girl_with_a_smile_by_mikeinel-d4rsk2n.jpg[/img] Age: 20 Personality: Sheevi exhibits a very outgoing and bubbly personality, full of vigor and energy. A smile is always shown on her face, and she is always happy and willing to help. She may seem extremely susceptible to manipulation, but it is indeed quite the opposite. Within the smiles and happiness, lies a very disturbed and malevolent cause and motive. Sheevi plans to eventually take over the Coven, through force if necessary. She often uses her happiness and overall seductive nature and personality to subtly nudge other's actions into her favor. Although her malicious plans are indeed there, they are clouded by a young and rebellious mind, and she is easily distraught by her own feelings to overlook a possible ploy she had. History: Wormed her way into the Coven with bright smiles and impeccable skill. She can more than handle herself in a hands on altercation, and her powers gained from the coven have only boosted her combat abilities. Before the Coven, she grew alone with nobody. Her childhood was essentially a long constant struggle of seduction, thievery, and isolation. That is, until she joined the Coven. Special Power: Sheevi is talented in the art of psychological torment. She can bend the minds of others to her will, using their emotions and blinding rage to supplement her already attuned speed and combat skill. She is one for mind games. She can probe the inner recesses of an individual's mind, and torment them with emotion. The only downside? All mind torment she inflicts upon others, she inflicts upon herself. Making someone remember a particularly scarring event? She is a witness as well. Desired partner traits: Despite her malicious acts and demeanor, hidden by a smiling facade, Sheevi truly wishes for a man or woman that she can trust and hug and show limitless affection to. Alongside her rage and manipulation, lies a desire for true love. Pets/Familiars: N/A [/hider] [hider=Bermuda "Berk" Kalizco][b][i]Bermuda "Berk" Kalizco[/i][/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/33/ab/00/33ab00c2f8ee7b341c0a9dff186ea4d8.jpg[/img] [img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/39c3/th/pre/i/2013/106/9/3/long_hair_girl_by_w_hosrising-d6203y4.jpg[/img] Age: 22 Personality: Berk comes from a place where manners and etiquette are not simply polite, but a way of life. Her demeanor is always alert, respectful, and addressive. She tends to go far too overliteral with her address of colleagues and anyone else, and would more likely give a three word description than a name. Despite that, she is mandated by a loss for unnecessary conversation. She is usually silent until engaged in direct conversation. She is also a strict supporter of honor, and has a personal honor code she vows to never break lest she fall upon her sword. Oh, and she is fond of the color red. History: Where Berk grew up, and lived most of her life, there was a strict caste system in place, dividing individual's place in society by the social class of their descendants. Berk, at birth, was born into the red ladder of societal placement, The Knights. Knights were, as expected, taught honor, justice, and glory in battle. This is what Berk was raised on her entire life, and still adheres to that code. However, she was exiled from her kingdom for the attempted murder of a corrupt and murderous authority figure who happened to be higher on the social ladder than her. After she was banished, she decided to join the feared and revered Hunters, to continue her legacy in combat, and ascertain her honor in protecting the land. Signature Weapon(s): Sol and Luna Berk's signature weapons are a pair of swords she has had her entire life, and is extremely proficient with. Although they are not the most attractive of weaponry, they were forged with dark black steel, and are hard as obsidian, never to break. She still maintains and sharpens her swords quite regularly, however. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/21/5b/d2/215bd29a8a109048e4beb3bc0e5f0a85.jpg[/img] Things they look for in a partner: Berk is a very practical and undemanding woman, who simply wishes to find a partner that suits her level of honor and battle prowess. That is what she was raised to believe. In reality, she searches for a wildcard. A partner that is interesting, and can always keep her guessing what their next move is. Pets/Familiars: N/A[/hider]