When the ship landed we shouldn’t have gone near it. We really should have run away, called the police, the media, the FBI, anything other than what we actually did. Now, after the ship, we’re so much more. More than Human. But we weren't the only ones, and unless my friends and I learn to control the powers that we have been given the others are going to hurt so many innocent people. We're not sure why the ship was there. We're not sure where it came from, but I'm positive that there was a reason we saw it. A new species of the human race has begun. The Human+ have arrived, and Earth will never be the same again. ----------------------- Alright gang, here's the skinny. We're playing as high school teens. Preferably in the 14-16 year old range at most. Powers will be randomly assigned to you by me and I would like to see some creative use of powers. While the assignment of powers may be random I will TRY to make sure that only useful powers are included in the list so it's not too ridiculously unfair. But part of the challenge here is in taking whatever power you get and making something of it. The RP will start the day before we all end up getting our powers, some events will lead up to us getting our abilities and there IS a purpose behind the space ship, but that won't really be revealed until later in the RP, if we get that far. DA RULES Pretty basic guys. 1. Have fun. 2. Don't be a tool. 3. No meta gaming or God-moding. 4. Have fun. 5. I don't expect posts every single day, but if you're involved in a situation involving other players try not to disappear for an extended period if at all possible. A little heads up if you're going to be away for more than a couple days would be appreciated. I know I said have fun twice but it deserves repeating. I am happy to go over any questions and try to fill in understanding about the story. The idea is that we form our own little crime fighting superhero team that will, eventually, end up on a much larger and more chaotic adventure as a direct result of our heroic work on Earth. CHARACTER SHEET Relatively simple here. Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: (image preferred but description works too) Background: Relations: (Are you friends with any of the other characters in the game, how long have you been friends? Players can work this out between themselves) Power: (This will be left blank at the moment because you won't know your power until I assign them) If I've missed anything or there are any questions lemme know and we'll work everything out. Here's the list I'll be drawing powers from. Once character sheets are in we'll get started assigning abilities. [url]http://foxhugh.com/reference-fiction/list-of-superpowers/[/url]