Rez's state of beaming pride was promptly interrupted by a loud thump having been on the receiving end of something. Amidst the face full of dirt and pain he was now heavily disconcerted by what's happening as he immediate thoughts turned to that carnie is having his revenge now, and the having to deal with breaking the law after enriching his body with some metal. Now if he could act cool he could possibly deal with this peaceably or get a head start on getting the hell out of town. "What the hell did you just say?" The man said as he got up and not really registering her expression. It sounded like "mufflin amaranth" which is pure nonsense, then again this was all wily ploy by the carnie to confuse and distract. Much to his surprise he saw the weapon of the assault as being some odd vehicle that was hovering and it's pilot some unholy chimerical fusion of the human female and cephalopod persuasion.