"Well Richard, it's mighty nice to be meetin' ya! Now, let's be wipin' this look of helplessness off of yer face!" No sooner had Caelyn said the word face, did a plush animal smack her square in the face. "Hey!" [i]Jerk.[/i] She thought to herself. But her face was soon replaced with a smile when she saw the man impact into what seemed like a tank of some sort. [i]What a strange machine.[/i] "Anyways, Richard as to yer question, I am not knowin' what it is that's goin' on exactly. Just seein' these hooligans gettin' the old cuffs is all. Might be goin' around to play some games. Mind showin' me some?" Her cheeks started getting red at the realization that she was being blunt yet again.