This was a new situation for Seòras he was new to being on the council but he still earned his place. Today they were talking about a situation concerning a couple with a domestic issues to put it lightly. Evidently this involved cheating and the wife using a sword which she brought with her to try and kill his husband out of nothing but rage. Its obvious though that the husband doesn't deny cheating on his wife but he did counter by saying that she did the same with a young farmer. Seòras was divided on what the council should enforce and his fellow council members had some good ideas but Seòras wasn't very keen on making the woman a thrall even for a small amount of time but the idea for the man to go with their fellow council member out on a what could only be called a expedition of little means to the entire whole. Seòras heard the first few of his fellow council members say their opinions and unfortunately Seòras got into another one of his fits as he started coughing. He quickly grabbed his tissue and covered his mouth and while it was muffled by the tissue his coughing was deafening and would no doubt have others see what was making the noise. After a few moments of coughing he sighed seeing their was a little blood on the tissue. "I am sorry for that my friends. I did not mean to disrupt the silence by my own coughing. In terms of punishments I would have to agree with Serhiem on his idea. I would much rather that while they do need to punished for not being able to resolve this themselves I don't see the need for the woman to be a permanent thrall in any regard, however threatening her by showing her where she will end up is a much better lesson to both her and to others that think acting on only their emotions is an acceptable way to get what they want." Seòras decided to end it with that. He made his opinion known on their punishment. Now once they finished dealing with the couple Seòras needed to get approval from his fellow ring members to build a wall around their territory or at least to build some fortifications that will increase their defense against any kind of raid or pillaging attack. One of Seòras' goals in terms of changing the clan was to make a permanent home for them however to do that they would need to first establish a defense against others that would see fit to take from them. Once that is done then Seòras would deal with housing a food if their was any trouble in that area to begin with.