[center][h1][color=#F0960E]Liam Carter[/color][/h1][/center] Liam watched the ensuing struggle as Moth, Maria and Flor were essentially man-handled by a kid with bunny ears. Liam let out a short chuckle that was unfortunately interrupted when the rabbit child hurled himself at Carter with full force, knocking him prone before it bounded for the cafeteria door. Liam let out a small groan as he stood up. [color=#F0960E]“Sunva gun that child is the devil incarnate.”[/color] Liam sighed as he dusted himself off. As he did he looked up and noticed that Moth was unconscious. [color=#F0960E]“Hey you lot need hel-“[/color] Liam was interrupted yet again, this time by the howling of Grit. With a quick murmur Liam got down on one knee and aimed his gun at the doors Flor had closed moments ago. [color=#F0960E]“So uh I feel like I am repeating myself but we need to get out of here. Preferably right now.”[/color] He said as he knelt down and watched the doors. As he did he heard the same doors begin rattling and shaking, before bursting open, revealing what seemed like a sea of grit as they charged the group. Liam started shooting almost immediately once this happened managing to dispose of about four of them. As the fight continued Liam’s eye widened in both fear and awe of what he saw charge at him. The beast had the body of a cheetah, the legs of a wolf, the head of a tiger and what appeared to be horns of a bull. Liam shrugged off any feeling of fear as he rolled out of the way of the Grit’s charge with ease. Liam then aimed down his sights and shot at the beast hitting, and almost blasting off, the right hind leg of the beast. With a shriek of pain the beast lunged at him, this time catching him before he could get out of the way. As the beast pinned Liam down he lost his grip on his gun and watched it skid across the ground. The beast now sunk his claws into Liam’s torso forcing a cry of pain from him. Liam swung wildly at the beast, his fists only fazing the Monster for a second before the beast went in to bite his face off. Fortunately through some miracle Liam managed to lodge his left forearm in the beast’s mouth, preventing it from doing anything other than gnaw at his hand. Liam then swung a right hook into the eye of the beast. With a whimper the Grit moved backwards off of Liam, dragging its claws across his torso. As the beast recoiled its damaged leg gave way and he fell to the floor. Liam instantly sprung up and charged the Grit, his adrenaline blotting out all the pain he would have felt from his wounds. In one swift motion Liam unsheathed his sword and stuck it into the side of the beast’s head. The beast squirmed for a few seconds before its body fell limp. With a groan Liam turned and looked for his gun. It was at around this time his adrenaline started fading as he fell on his hands and knees and spat out some blood. The pain from his hand was dulled by the severity of his torso wounds. Liam watched as blood dripped from his torso.[color=#F0960E]"heh heh, Man 1, Grit 0.5 cause you know, almost half dead."[/color] he said with a small chuckle before he gritted his teeth as hard as he possibly could and took off in a sprint towards the direction of his gun. As he did he almost immediately saw his gun and picked it up and started to fire at the grit again. As he began firing he noticed someone, or in this case something, approach him. Liam looked and saw a massive robot bounding towards them. [quote][b]"C'mon, twerps, let's go!"[/b] the robot hollered in a very human voice. A rune was etched into its chest -- this robot was enchanted. [b]"Is this everyone? Move it! Comin' through! Go down, go down down down! I'll take this guy, run faster!"[/b] [/quote] Liam instantly noticed the colours of the queen painted on the robot. Liam was about to run towards the robot when he realised that most of the group had yet to join him at the stairs. Cursing under his breath Liam got down on one knee yet again and started firing at the Grit yet again [color=#F0960E]“Hello you bloody snails let’s GET MOVING!!! I ain’t planning to die in some stairway!”[/color] he shouted as he continued to fire at the Grit…