[hr][hr][center][h3][color=steelblue]Wes Harmon[/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][sub][@BlueAjah][/sub] Wes' excursion with Claire had ended promptly as soon as she revealed her age. [i]19?![/i] There was no way that broad was 19! But he wasn't going to risk dealing out alcohol to minors! Sheesh. She really was trying to get him imprisoned. So, being the nice guy he was, he dropped her off at the academy or wherever she needed to be and proceeded about his day. With his limo being a bit out of shape with that asshole earlier keying it and what not, the Prince of Millington had decided to let Marty fix that up. In the mean time, he would be driving his [url=http://carreleasedates2017.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/2016-bugatti-veyron-front-.jpg]Bugatti[/url]. He could drive himself for once, even if he was not exactly sober. After all, he was still a great driver even under the influence. Currently, it was around lunch time, and Wes was famished, having spent most of his time earlier thinking about a movie idea. His dad had told him a few days ago that he was willing to invest a considerable sum into cinema and have Wes direct it. Some sort of money laundering scheme, he said. Pulling up at an intersection, he noticed a familiar restaurant that he hadn't been into for quite some time: The Queen's Orchid. They didn't make top of the line food or anything there, but it was a fairly solid venue for some quick and easy grub. [color=steelblue]"Whys the hell not?"[/color] he muttered to himself before pulling into the diner's parking lot. His luxurious car was definitely out of place next to the middle class vehicles scattered about. Judging by the free spaces though, the lunch rush wasn't too terribly busy today. That perplexed him, considering this place used to be jam packed back in its hay day. Maybe it was just an off day? The fabulously dressed man strode into the building with an overwhelming sense of swagger, sunglasses still attached to his face. He expected the shining smile of... he couldn't remember her name, but she was the redheaded co-owner of the restaurant. Such a sweet lady she was. Not to mention she had a rack to kill for. Her husband was a damn lucky guy. Instead he met the bespectacled face of a familiar brunette woman, but, like the busty co-owner, he couldn't put a name to her. [color=steelblue]"Hey, you. How you doin', sexy?"[/color] he said, throwing two finger guns at her before completely passing her by and seating himself. He chose to sit by a window in his own booth because of course he did. Things seemed different since the last time he had been here. He pondered on that for a moment, beating a rather annoying rhythm against the table before he asked into the blue. Then it hit him. Not just the co-owner was missing, but the owner himself wasn't even in today. How strange. [color=steelblue]"Where's.. uh.. Olga and Robby? The big boobed redhead n' her hubby? Yous guys didn't switch come under new management, dids ya?"[/color] he asked the server that appeared at his table. [sub][@The Muse][@lovely complex][@Saint Girralo][/sub]