[color=F4A460][b]E'nasha Williams[/b][/color] [i]Lyn's Hunt[/i] E'nasha ran the last few steps over to Leith once she realized he was awake, pulling out her med-pack as he warned her about one of the enemies. She glanced over at the man mentioned, just in time to see him start an attack. [color=F4A460]"Uh-oh. A little late for warnings now."[/color] She said as she noticed the grass around them growing into a trap. She drew her knife and then immediately wondered what she was gonna do. Cutting the grass would just make him grow it faster, and while that might [i]eventually[/i] tire him out, it would do worse to her. Her best bet might be to try and distract him, so she pulled two more seeds out of her pocket and threw them towards the man, quickly growing them into trees. Hopefully they would fall on top of him, or at least block her and Leith from his view long enough for them to move to somewhere safer. She turned back to Leith and held out her hand to him to help him up. [color=F4A460]"Here, I'll help you get away from him and distract him. You can use my med-kit to try and bandage your wounds while I do."[/color]