[img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQmVAnu6s-UfJ-A4a0xVv721QRQSZQIe0HBqVIz9ot4hVcarnys[/img] = "Carry on carry on, cause nothing really matters, to me, to me," Queen Bohemian Rhapsody = What is your real name? Emma Vein Are you male or female? Female What is your age? 17 When is your birthday? 19th January 1998 What grade are you in? 11th What are some of your hobbies and interests? Writing stories, reading, music, acting, dancing, singing, playing instruments, sports especially gymnastics. Youtube, she does lyric videos and sometimes vlogs because it is easier to show it through a screen. How would you describe your personality? Kind and shy but with a slight temper but the quiet kind of angry that scares you more. She is quite sly and sneaky and can easily move around without you seeing or hearing her. She keeps her eyes focused on the ground to avoid conversations because she doesn't like talking. She is hard to make friends with because of her shy nature. She doesn't show her feelings easily so she might seem to have a heart of stone at times when she has a heart that can easily break like a heart of glass. She has slight depression since her mum died but doesn't show it and her shyness is because of a bad case of social anxiety so I would suggest not starting a conversation with her as it is not easy for her. What has your life been like so far? She has had a good life, she lives with her dad and older sister as her mum died when she was young and her older sister is going to move out soon so it will just be her and her dad when her sister leaves. When her mum died, she was 9 and she died of cancer. Emma had to help look after her when she died and did a testimony at her funeral. She remembers her mum pretty well but one of her skills is that she has a really good memory. Her sister was 12 so her sister is now 20 and getting ready to move out of the house. They moved houses when she was 12 to get away from the bad memories. What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)? Blood,Roses&Posion=Snow (anyone get the reference) Alias: Melissa What are your thoughts on the project? She wants to make friends with people but is too shy so she likes the project. She is not good at making friends because she is slightly awkward so it would be easier to talk to people through a screen and make friends easier because she could hide her awkwardness from everyone else through a screen. Anything else you'd like to add? nothing