The sweat fell from Zane's brow and fell atop the white hot metal, evaporating instantly with a small sizzle and a whisper of steam. Zane did not bother to wipe the rest of his sweat away, concentrating only on the motion of his arm and the ringing sound of impact from his hammer. The metal rang pure, a sweet sound to his exhausted body as he pounded the shape from his mind into reality. With one final blow, the shape of the short sword was finished. Zane set his hammer down on the bench beside him, quickly grabbed his tongs and quenched the blade, hardening the blade. While not quite finished, the blade could be comfortably set aside until later. Zane set the blade aside for future work and took a long drag from his water skin. [color=f7941d][i]I feel like I am forgetting something.[/i][/color] The thought struck quickly, but Zane quickly brushed it aside. Zane opened the door letting out some of the heat, catching sight of the boat quickly coming into dock. [color=f7941d][i]Huh, that's new.[/i][/color] Zane went back inside and picked up his hammer to replace it before the actual smith yelled at him for moving his tools around again. Zane stopped, hammer still in hand. [color=f7941d][i]Ship. Shhiiiippp... oh gods... I was supposed to report to Lord Justed![/i][/color] Zane burst out of the door and ran down to the docks as the ship arrived. Still clad in his smithing leathers and holding his hammer, panting, and covered in sweat and charcoal dust. He arrived just as Lord Justed began a very similar speech as the one he had received when he had arrived two weeks ago. He immediately stood at attention, saluting with the same hand that held his hammer. He held his breath hoping that Lord Justed had not noticed his lateness, only releasing his breath as Lord Justed walked away and the recruits began to chat amongst themselves. [color=f7941d]"I'm Zane, the uh... assistant smith and um oh! Also the assistant enchanter! Nice to meet you all!"[/color] Zane gave them all a huge smile as his hammer spread more charcoal dust across his forehead, still at attention.