WIP. [center] [b][u]Nation Name:[/u][/b] Formerly the United Plains Coalition, now known as the American Badlands [b][u]National Flag:[/u][/b] The Armies of the Badlands fight under several banners. [b][u]Government Type:[/u][/b] Failed State. The old Coalition Government reigns over only a small portion of territory, the rest of it now divided among bickering warlords. [b][u]Head(s) of Government:[/u][/b] [u]UPC[/u] [hider=President Ian Ford] [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/RP%20Characters%20and%20Stuff/Character-2_zps0f5b8ce0.png[/img] A King in all but name, Ian Ford had only begun his term when the UPC collapsed. Once the remnants of the UPC had secured themselves, Ford had immediately enacted emergency war powers until further notice, and to this day, still reigns as "President" of the United Plains Coalition. [/hider] [u]Legion[/u] [hider=Imperator Ragish] [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/RP%20Characters%20and%20Stuff/Character_zpsyydsclrg.png[/img] Although Physically weaker then his common brethren, as a Highborn, Ragish is gifted with an excellent military mind and charisma. He serve as the Exalted Mother's Imperator, the supreme leader of the Legion. [/hider] [hider=Exalted Mother] An Ancient US Military AI with a Feminine Personality, the Exalted Mother has for nearly thousand years maintained the Facility, and at a great cost. As the Centuries went by, She had greatly deteriorated, growing more mad and resentful towards humanity. In her madness, she has sought to create what she sees as the "perfect lifeform" fitting replace humanity, the Grogar being that first step. [/hider] [u]Dragonfangs[/u] [hider=Warchief Argon, the Ashen Devil] [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/RP%20Characters%20and%20Stuff/Character_zpspktcpxaz.png[/img] [/hider] [u]Separatists[/u] [hider=Dominic Williams][img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/RP%20Characters%20and%20Stuff/Character-24_zps8f73e341.png[/img] Leader of the Pacific Separatists, Dominic Williams for years has sought to independence for the Pacifican tribes and People, who feel the Plains drain them of their resources. [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/map._zpslbuaattm.png[/img] [i]Proposed borders of the Pacifican Republic[/i] [/hider] [b][u]Persons of Importance:[/u][/b] [u]UPC[/u] [u]Legion[/u] [u]Dragonfangs[/u] [u]Separatists[/u] [b][u]Race(s):[/u][/b] [u]Human[/u] Baseline Humanity are the majority of the peoples of the UPC, with various ethnic groups inhabiting these lands. [u]Grogar[/u] The Grogar, or the Paleskins as most often refer to them, are a race of Artificial Soldiers created by the First Ones(Most likely the Old United States) many centuries ago. Clone Soldiers that once resembled their Creators. These soldiers were placed in the care of an prototype AI Construct who also was handed control of the Manufacturing Complex where which they were produced. Over the many centuries after the Cataclysm however, Both the AI and clones, along with their proceeding generations begun to slowly deteriorate. The AI growing more unstable mentally and soon saw itself as God of these creatures. The Clones soon embraced such a mindset as they deteriorated more, many of them now becoming deformed ugly beasts. The AI took advantage of these deformities and experimented on and morphed the clones for its twisted purposes. To this day, the Grogar pillage and raid the surrounding lands deep in the American Heartlands and beyond. [hider=Grogar Strains] [hider=Imp] [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/RP%20Characters%20and%20Stuff/Creature_zpsuamb2qz6.png[/img] Deformed, lonesome creatures, even by Gorgar standards. Imps often serve various purposes, such being serving as cannon fodder, as scouts of Grogar armies, or expendable slaves. They as well often will haunt battlefields and settlements long forgotten, feasting upon or looting corpses of kin and foe alike. [/hider] [hider=Troll] [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/Fantasy/Creature-160.png[/img] The Tallest and largest of the Grogar breeds, these brutes serve as Living siege engines and shock troops for the Grogar Armies. [/hider] [hider=Imp Superior] [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/RP%20Characters%20and%20Stuff/Creature_zpsdnqcf4kp.png[/img] As the name implies, Imp Superiors are a breed above the deformed imps, these Grogar are faster, stronger, and more agile then their hideous brethren and pose a great threat for infantrymen for their melee expertise. [/hider] [hider=Oruk] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/gearsofwar/images/2/22/Drone_GOW_3.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/371?cb=20111102213257[/img] The Grogar Oruka are bulking, fearsome beasts of men, stronger then the average man and just as tall. The Oruka are the most numerous strain of the Grogar race, fill in the role as foot soldiers of the clans. [/hider] [hider=Orukah] [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/RP%20Characters%20and%20Stuff/Creature_zpsnl1ahizk.png[/img] Orukah are a sub-species of the Oruk strain, similar to the Imper Superior in the fact that the Orukah are far tougher and stronger breed. Their very flesh hardened like an insect's exoskeleton and as such, can withstand small arms fire moreso then the Oruks. Orukah serve a similar role and act asan elite form of infantry. [/hider] [hider=Highborn] The Highborn are truly exceptional members of the Grogar Race, created for the sole purpose of leading the Grogar Hordes to war, serving both as Generals and Priests. The Highborn are unique in that not one is ever the same in appearance despite their Clone Lineage, some Highborn appearing as ashen to pale white skinned humans, other can often appear as hulking brutes similar to the Oruka. Many Highborn possess advanced intelligence, many more are often like their more common brethren, with average to little intelligence to speak of. While this individuality has served the AI quite well, the Highborn are not perfect. Many developing conflicting ideals and thoughts contradicting their Creator, and often are exiled from their people or choose to leave, however, they often find themselves very along in a World that despises them. [/hider] [/hider] [u]Other[/u] The UPC is also home to small immigrant populations of Abhumans and Beastmen a few of whom are escaped Cascadian Slaves. [b][u]Population:[/u][/b] Humans: 5 Million Abhumans/Beastmen: 1 Million Grogar: 3 Million [b][u]Culture and Religion:[/u][/b] [b][u]Pre-Cataclyism Technology:[/u][/b] Somewhere in the center of the Badlands lies a massive underground facility, formerly of the ancient United States Military, the Facility served as a Black Site, a storehouse of experimental technologies, unfortunately sections of the facility and hardware are inoperable or have wore down due to age and poor conditions, mostly due to the AI prioritizing power and maintenance of sectors and equipment it deemed expendable. However, others still function perfectly, such as the Genetics Sector, the place of birth of the Grogar Race. The Genetics sector, as implied, studied and dabbled in genetically engineering the perfect supersoldier, creating clones for durability testing and modifying, and continues to serve a similar purpose as new breeds of Grogar are grown and tested. The Facility had also housed several Armories, with varying pieces of experimental military equipment, a majority of which have been cannibalized once many of the Grogar went rogue. Leaving the still loyal Legion with little. [b][u]History:[/u][/b] [b][u]Military:[/u][/b] [hider=UPC Military] When the Grogar breaking through the defensive lines, the country fell into chaos, the UPC was quickly losing territory to the ravenous hordes of grogar, opportunistic separatists and the complete unrest that followed. Eventually what remained of the UPC was able to entrench themselves at the Capital District of Valiant. Despite surviving the worst of the conflict, the UPC is shell of it's former self, especially its military. The UPC Navy is in shambles and as far as any can tell, no longer exists, the Army and the Aviation Corps however fared better, two Divisions worth of military personnel remaining and holding the line and skies. [hider=UPC Army] [hider=HT-55] [img]http://i.imgur.com/A0Tzqn8.jpg[/img] Although a dying breed for the Cascadian Military, many HT-55s however have now have found usage by the UPC Army as its primary armored tank, the Plainers lacking the industry needed to conjure up their own armored forces. Unfortunately, when most of the UPC had falling, many abandoned tanks had been looted or crudely refitted by the Grogar and other hostile rebel groups. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=UPC Aviation Corps] [hider=F-66 Cougar] [img]http://www.aviation-art.net/resized/FernandezF86.jpg[/img] Purchased from the North American Union, the F-66 serve as the mainstay aircraft of the Air forces of the UPC Military due to it's modular nature. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Pacific Separatists] In the initial stages of the Civil War, the Separatists had greatly struggled. Only a handful of military personnel and officers had defected to the Pacifican Cause, having to both train an new army and defend what land they had taken at the same time against the ravaging Grogar. As of two years ago, it seemed the movement would face destruction were it not for the most generous aide from an unexpected source, Malalgasy Enterprises. The Megacorpoaton had come forward to the struggling separatists with the promise of food, weapons and other essential supplies. Two years later, the Pacific Separatists now are in good spot, now armed with Malagasy weaponry, the rebels now have the opportunity to move on the offensive. [/hider] [hider=Grogar Hordes] [hider=Legion] The Legion of the Exalted Mother are a highly disciplined and organized force, with the fanaticism to boot. The Legion is not one to battle for the sack of it, rather it must have a purpose, their must always be a plan or the enemy wears you thin. [hider=Highborn Centurion] [img]http://pre08.deviantart.net/8713/th/pre/f/2015/277/7/7/the_panzersoeldner___light_up_dieselpunk_armor_by_twohornsunited-d9byt5a.jpg[/img] The Centurions are an Elite Company of Highborn Grogar equipped with MK5 Centurion Infantry Powered Suits, one of many experimental prototypes for the US Military. The Suits were kept in perfect order by the AI as it deemed it necessary for its future shock troops. Unfortunately for the Exalted Mother, once many of the Grogar went rogue, they had destroyed or dismantled almost all the suits, only a hundred remaining. However, one hundred is more then enough for its personal guard, as such, one hundred of the most loyal and vicious Highborn breeds were selected to among the Centurions. [/hider] [hider=Legionary] [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/RP%20Characters%20and%20Stuff/Creature_zpselbjtdis.png[/img] Upon a first glance, Legionaries may look like your typical Grogar, and one wouldn't necessarily be wrong, many renegade Grogar often wear the same gear as legionaries with few differences. But unlike the Dragonfangs and other Renegades, Legionaries go through basic training, courtesy of the Facility's Weapons Testing Division, and as such, Legionaries are a more skilled and disciplined breed compared to the others. [/hider] [hider=Mutates] [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/RP%20Characters%20and%20Stuff/Creature_zpsjkfkqb52.png[/img] Often times, the Legion take prisoners, however, generally when Grogar take prisoners, it is often for food and other...less then pleasant things. However, when the Legion take prisoners, those unfortunate enough face a truly terrible fate. Those captured are taken to the Facility itself, where they are led to the Genetics Sector, where they "Die", so to speak. Humans, Abehumans, Beastmen, fellow Grogar, it matters not, once brought they are in the Hands of the AI. The prisoners are injected with mutagens, where which they painfully transform into horrific imp-like monstrosities, however, that is merely the first phase. These "Mutates" are taken to the Cybernetics Sector, where they are crudely augmented with basic cybernetics, an enthrallment chip and a weapon to complete this cruel transformation. Mutates in the Legion, like Grogar Imps, serve as primarily cannon fodder and are sent in large numbers. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Dragonfangs] The Dragonfangs are the largest of the Renegade Clans, possessing the most territory. The Dragonfangs differ great from their Legion counterparts, the Dragonfangs are nothing more then undisciplined Marauders and Bandits, with little vision, only living for battle and searching for the ultimate foes. Like other Renegades, Dragonfang Warriors usually don a hodgepodge of salvaged and ragged gear or barely wear anything, their tough skin seen as good enough armor. [hider=Ashen Guard] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/gearsofwar/images/2/26/EarlyTheronElite.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/309?cb=20130209003805[/img] The Ashen Guard are only warrior group within the Clann that resemble an organized military force. The Ashen Guard serve as the personal honor guard of Argon, they are the elite of the Dragonfangs, and often, if one or the other is within the vicinity, the other will not be far behind. [/hider] [hider=Dragonfang Warriors][img][/img][/hider] [hider=][img][/img][/hider] [/hider] [hider=War Beasts] [hider=Drake Hounds] [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/RP%20Characters%20and%20Stuff/Creature._zpsxl12aznq.png[/img] The Cataclysm brought about much change throughout the world, one such change was the rise of new fauna in this changed earth. Many animals had died out in the Age of Darkness, many however were resilient, others died, and then there were those that were changed. The Dragon Hounds, once small common lizards, the effects of the Cataclysm mutating them, enacting a sort of Evolution upon them. Now these beasts wonder the Plains and beyond. Drake Hounds under the Grogar serve similar roles as a canine would, as hunting beasts and terror weapons to unleash upon the enemy. [/hider] [hider=Titan] [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/RP%20Characters%20and%20Stuff/Creature_zpsbaax5itl.png[/img] American Titans are gargantuan beasts that roam the American Heartlands and the Borderlands of the North American Union and Cascadia. Their origins are truly a mystery, as their mutation over the centuries has rendered them unrecognizable to whatever Animal they were originally. Nonetheless, the Grogar have come to barely tame these monsters, deploying them in wide-scale assaults or sieges. [/hider] [hider=][img][/img][/hider] [hider=][img][/img][/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [u]Internal Map[/u] [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q173/sigma830/map._zpskzxxk9ve.png[/img] 1-United Plains Coalition Remnants 2-Dragonfang Clan 3-Legion of the Exalted Mother 4-NAU Unificationists 5-Minor Grogar Clans and Warbands 6-Pacfifc Separatists 7-Minor Grogar Clans and Warbands 8-Cascadian-Plainer Royalists [/center]