He would look from the Horse to the Woman, to and fro. Letting out a small sigh, he began to walk over to it. Inspecting the damages would be a priority before even moving it, especially if they didn't want to cause anymore. Grant's hands would rub gently across the flank aiming towards the sky. He would pat it, stroke it and shush it if it were to begin become discomforted. [color=007236]"You are one tough bastard, I'll give you that."[/color] Grant slowly brought himself back to his full height, still beside the laid creature, whilst turning to Hope. [color=007236]"I mean...You could Shift, if you wanted some Medium-Rare Horse Meat?"[/color] Grant looked sympathetically back towards the creature, seeing if its legs had any strength left in them. [color=007236]"As strong as they are, the problem is their fragility. One sprained ankle can ruin their lives for good...If you are thinking of getting him, or her...whatever, back onto their hooves...It'll take more than just time, especially when we can't move it out of an open fucking Field."[/color]