[color=OrangeRed][center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20Percy%20Jackson%20Roleplay%20-%20Characters/Aella%20Lorraine%20Stedford%20-%20Gif%2002_zpsl8u1acbu.gif[/img] [h1]Aella Lorraine Stedford[/h1] [h2]The Obstacle Tower ~ Camp Half-Blood[/h2] [sup]Interacting with: Jessica Merrimont ([@smarty0114]), Elena Reese ([@Nallore])[/sup][/center] This place was vastly different to what she was used to… Clicking her tongue a couple of times as she lightly pressed her heels into the side of her horse to once more gain its attention, Aella lightly flicked at the reigns she held within the palms of her hands, urging the mare to carry her further away from the obstacle course and over to where she could see the most buildings gathered together- the cabins; they had to be. Seemingly not even needing to put any effort into maintaining her composure as she continued to ride the creature in the general direction of the area she was headed, she allowed her dark eyes a moment or two to flick about her person, doing all that she could to take in as much of her surroundings as she possibly could before finally, her attention settled down upon a small group of demigods who were staring up at her from where they stood, the very sight of their curious and slightly gawking expressions causing her to quirk her eyebrow ever so slightly. Was this really how it was going to be while she was here in the Grecian camp..? Was she really going to have to go out of her way and put up with being the shiny new attraction that everyone wanted to get a look at..? Shaking her head lightly from side to side at the very thought of being some sort of side-show attraction, she paused for only a few moments before finally, she nodded over to where the cabins were, doing what she could to turn their obvious interest into something more productive and helpful as she directed her question to the boy who was stood closest to her, “Ares; which one is it..?” “Uh… Ares..?” Looking slightly confused and quite distracted as he gazed up at her in the saddle, the camper quickly righted himself, his cheeks and ears flushing a bright red in color as he felt his friend's hand smack against his shoulder, “Oh, Ares..! Right..! If you're looking for his cabin, it down that way, you can’t miss it even if you tried.” Stooping her head down slightly in thanks to the guy who pointed her in the right direction of the cabin that she was searching for, Aella once more urged her mare to move forward and further away from the noise that could be heard floating up from the course behind her- this quest seemed to have really thrown the camp into a fix; it was like she was once again at the rodeo, except all the bulls were out of control and the onlookers had no idea of what it was that they should actually do about it… Following the path that had been lined out in front of her eyes by the camper she hadn’t long ago spoken with, she lifted her hand up from where she had it rested against the front of the saddle, lightly brushing her hair back and not getting very far away before the sound of a voice interrupting her peaceful silence caught her attention, causing her to lead the horse to turn before eventually, she came to a complete stop, her rather intense dark eyes coming to a rest upon the girl that she had been speaking with earlier… the one who considered herself to be some kind of joker…[/color] [color=mediumspringgreen]”Hey, you want to follow me and we can get your girl here some food and rest? I’ve got a little bit of time, and besides, I’m in charge of the stables.”[/color] [color=OrangeRed]Frowning heavily for a few moments as she looked down upon the blonde demigod that had gone out of her way to insult her the very minute they had set eyes upon one another, Aella took just that little bit longer to herself before finally, she leant herself forward in the saddle, the muscles in her arms tensing and her chest brushing up against the leather as she swung her leg back and over, lowering her feet once more to the ground for what felt like the first time in forever, her hands lingering a few brief moments longer upon the mare so that she could gather up the reigns, holding them firmly within her grasp as she turned to face the girl who had approached her, “..her name is Alcippe. I planned on taking her to the stables once I had finished unpacking; though it pains me to admit I don’t know where they are in this camp. If you’re the one in charge of the equines in this place…” Allowing her sentence to trail off slightly as she hesitated in her words, Aella took pause for a few brief moments as she turned back to her beloved animal, her movements both gentle and kind as she brought her hand up to lightly pet the horse rather affectionately against its neck a couple of times, the intensity within her eyes dying down only slightly as she reluctantly turned her attention back over to the girl, finally seeming ready to finish the sentence she had left hanging moments beforehand, “..then you have my gratitude, and I humbly accept your offer…”[/color] [color=lightgreen]”I can take care of that, just get ready for that quest of yours and stay safe. Sorry about that, I just wanted to give a proper send off to my friends, I can show you to the stables and a proper tour of the camp if you’d like? So, what is it like over at Camp Jupiter?”[/color] [color=OrangeRed]She paused her actions for only a few moments before she turned her full attention over to where her so-called new sister was standing, her hand resting upon the blondes shoulder and a smile plastered over her features; it was as if she didn’t even care that she had just cut in on a conversation that the two of them had been holding. Was this what it was going to be like from now on..? Interrupted at every turn..? This place truly didn’t have any shred of discipline what so ever… “You really do ask a lot of questions don’t you..? You know, I’m curious, do you ever get sick of hearin’ the sound of your own voice, or does that decibel in which you speak keep you amused..?” Narrowing her eyes ever so slightly in sheer annoyance at having been interrupted in the middle of a conversation with the girl who was going to be looking after her horse, Aella shook her head lightly from side to side for a few moments before she turned her body back to face the mare once more, her hands crossing over around the front of her stomach as she worked to remove the Camp Jupiter top from her body, leaving her standing in only the singlet top she had worn underneath; the two straps of the grey top coming together to show off most of her back, the black tattoo like brand of her camp clear over the otherwise untarnished skin that could be seen- the tattoo itself located on her right shoulder-blade and made up of two crossed spears with a sea-star rested in front of them; the letters SPQR followed by six black lines clearly marked underneath the symbols. “Not that it’s any of your business; but Camp Jupiter is a lot different to this place… your camp pales in comparison to the one I consider to be my home. As for further details... well, that’s not something I’m willing to share with someone I barely know- though there is one thing you both might be able to tell me…” Furrowing her brows slightly in confusion as to why she was even bothering to think or act on such thoughts, she tore her dark gaze away from the two girls standing in front of her to instead, allow it to settle upon the blond guy she had most unintentionally participated in the staring contest with, her expression seeming to soften slightly as her soft pink lips parted and a familiar glint of curiosity flickered across her eyes. “..who’s the blond guy with the grey eyes..?” [/color]