The swordsman frowned at the conflict between the two girls. The truth was, he didn't want them to be fighting, if they could help him. Unfortunately, he wasn't even sure how they would be able to. In the meantime, talk had started of a march starting already. He turned to Matthew and scratched his head. "Well, we don't waste time in getting right into the mess of things, do we?" He asked. "Though is it wise to rush into a battle with such a small force without first knowing just who you have? Small forces work well because their handlers understand the strengths and weaknesses of the individual troops, right?" He asked. "Your theory is sound, but you're acting kinda like you're a bit wet behind the ears. You haven't been out in combat before, have you?" He asked, frowning. "I'd wait at least... I don't know, a day or two to survey who you have, otherwise you're just rushing us into a bloodbath."