*created in Destroy the Godmodder Name: Eubeal Gender: Irrelevant (male physique, male pronouns) [b]Appearance:[/b] Eubeal wears a black tuxedo over a grey undershirt with a black tie. He also wears black slacks and black leather shoes. He has a chrome mask that covers his whole head. He seems to have skin of a normal color for humans. He is 5'11". [b]Abilities:[/b] Can gather ambient energy to advance from Stage one. [u]Stage one:[/u] His default. The ability to control scalar values (Time, Heat, Mass, Volume, Speed but not the direction of it, etc.) and alter their numbers as needed. [u]Stage two:[/u] The ability to control vector values (Velocity, Force, Pressure, etc.) and alter their numbers as needed (basically Accelerator from Toaru) [u]Stage three:[/u] The ability to control tachyons, hypothetical FTL particles which increase in speed the farther from ∞ their energy is. Eubeal must absorb energy to remain stationary. All his attacks are now Massively Faster Than Light and have the potential to violate Causality or travel in time (I think.) [u]Stage four: The Master of (Particle) Physics[/u] The ability to control fundamental particles this leads to Atomic Manipulation at his weakest. The ability to manipulate and change matter via fermions. The ability to manipulate fundamental interactions between objects via bosons. *Possible higher stages with more control over more complex, hypothetical, and quantum physics. *He manipulates these aspects as they are a part of him, so no amount of vector redirection or mana-based silencing will avert these powers. [u]Quantum Physiology:[/u] Normal, physical attacks don't do much to his body (but do damage his clothes). He can only be damaged by other physical (or magical) interactions. [u]Beneath the Mask:[/u] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/7dda/i/2008/284/e/0/scary_halloween_face_by_ladylyonnesse.jpg[/img] [/hider] Eubeal's perception of the world is different from most species who use light and sound to perceive the world. He sees the world similar to other species, in that he sees it as curves, lines, and points in space (and time), but he also sees these various elements constantly shifting and changing. [b]Special Abilities:[/b] (Usually) Instant Kill Moves: [u]External Organs[/u] (No Prerequisite) - Eubeal reduces the distance between a target's internal organs and a point outside the individual, effectively teleporting the target's organs outside its body. This is usually sufficient to kill said target. [u]Literal Black Heart[/u] (No Prerequisite) - Eubeal increases the mass of the target's heart to that of a planet, while also reducing the target's volume to that of a cell. Then he lets nature do the rest. The heart because of its mass proportional to its size, will condense into a black hole. We all know what black holes do. [u]Sun Head[/u] (No Prerequisite) - Eubeal reduces the distance between a target's whole head and center of the core of the nearest star to zero. No prizes for guessing what happens next. Attacks: [u]Plagiarism Impact[/u] (No Prerequisite) - Eubeal instantaneously increases an area's heat and pressure to 1.416785(71)×10^32 (Kelvin for the heat, and a similar value for pressure). Whatever happens after that happens. [u]Singularity Swarm[/u] (Stage 2 Required) - Eubeal creates miniature black holes in an area (the creation varies, either using gravity, or natural creation of black holes), and reduces either the distance or the displacement to move the Swarm of black holes. [u]Infinipunch[/u] (Stage 3 Required) - Eubeal strikes a target with a MFTL hit, resulting in the punch happening a few minutes earlier. Of course, Eubeal still punches in the present, which goes back in time a few minutes earlier, continuing to compound the damage done by the "initial" punch ad infinitum. Defensives: [u]Shred Barrier[/u] (Stage 2 Required) - If an atmosphere is present, Eubeal uses million kilometer per second winds pointed at a direction, but originating (and terminating) in a small point in front of him. Literally only the front of him will be million kms winds, with the surrounding winds being regular. Eubeal further augments this barrier by letting a force of hundreds of thousands of Newtons continuously exert itself in the same direction as the winds. Reserved for Really Really, hard to kill, or annoying enemies: [u]Gravity Welp[/u] (Stage 2 Required) - Eubeal displaces his target into the center of a star's core, or displaces the star's core on top of his target. He then continually increases the gravitic force of the initial star while displacing any particle larger than a speck of dust in a sphere around the first star, increasing their heat, volume, mass, and gravitational pull to turn the specks of dust into stars themselves around the first star. The surrounding stars' gravitational forces are then manipulated to exert inward to the first star. This essentially acts as a prison for the target. Eubeal then adjusts the time of all the stars so that they will reach supernova simultaneously, but not before reverting all the stars into white dwarf stages. [u]Reserved for Doomsday[/u] (Stage 4 Required) - Eubeal breaks the target down into atoms. Then manipulates the fermions inside the atoms to turn the target's atoms into atoms consistent of other harmless objects, such as flowers, rocks, and water. Eubeal then reforms the atoms and displaces them to the furthest points in the current universe. The displaced atoms are then re-manipulated and turned into black holes, and some into stars. This could probably kill Doomsday permanently. [b]Personality:[/b] Calm and bored most times, preferring to sit and rest instead of being proactive with his powers. May become extremely experimentative when faced with unfamiliar scenarios (such as when he battled a Godmodder). Does not speak in old english, but is immensely eloquent. Does not underestimate people. Prefers to end hostile encounters efficiently rather than flashily, but the two adjectives may become synonymous due to his powers. Dislikes getting his clothes dirty.