[center][h1][i]Chapter I: The New Journey[/i][/h1] [h2][b]Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo[/b] [color=8882be][b]Asoka "Mercury"[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] In the calmer neighborhoods of the Bunkyo special ward, in the rainy evening of just another typical day in the most populated city in the world, rested the remains of a once beautiful mansion, now just a vestige of vague memories for those who gathered here today. Three ghouls who were once bound to this place returned to the cradle that gave them a second chance in life, only to find an almost poetic parallel to themselves. Five child ghouls had adopted this mold invested mess as their home, and each of the adults, or rather eccentric ghouls who happened to have crossed the majority line, felt a form of obligation to do something about them. Itsuki, the only boy of the gang, so happened to also be the only indiscriminately violent one, terrorized them only to quickly take matters into his own hands and find them a more appropriate place to reside in. His option however, would be criticized in a more passive manner by Hana, the goofy airhead who strategically keeps anything relevant to herself. Except of course when the idea is beyond viable, like this one. Asoka, however, had already demonstrated hostility toward Itsuki and would have absolutely no care in the world whether or not clearing a warehouse of a group of ghouls to house the kids was a good idea or not. She just wanted Itsuki out of her face. With this 'exile', Itsuki would be departing on his quest for said warehouse, while Hana and Asoka improvised a babysitting session with the five man-eaters. One could also call this a good cop, bad cop scenario, as Hana seemed completely delighted to feed the congregation of little beasts, while Asoka couldn't help but cringe. Not at them eating, but at just how messy they could quickly get. As a lady with a certain sense of elegance and prestige, it came as obvious that her inexperience with kids would manifest itself in rather amusing ways for those that aren't, well, Asoka. One of the little munchkins expressed a form of trust toward Hana, and wondered when they were going to leave with her in particular. Now that was quite intriguing for the baby of the 'adult' group, if only her [s]slaves[/s] coworkers were as quick to follow her every command. '[color=8882be][i]Yeah, go to the weirdo. Just don't hug me, I just got this shirt cleaned.[/i][/color]' "[color=8882be]So you got a different place that isn't some hobo hangout? May as well head there, 'cause Itsukiwi's plan sounds a bit too messy. So where did you say it was a- Oh wait, speaking of getting somewhere.[/color]" As she was about to finish her question the phone in the Burberry coat she carried on her arm [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gkiuVz-Ryo]rang a very eerie tune[/url]. Upon checking it and hesitantly holding her thumb over the answer button, she ended up replying after ten seconds. It almost seemed like she did it sadistically on purpose to make the caller wait. Now with the phone in her ear, she opened by rolling her eyes and employing one of the most exasperated tones one could muster without being genuinely bothered by anything. "[color=8882be]What? ... No fuck you, it's been fifteen minutes ... And? I don't care if I said ten minutes. You owe me, Kaien ... Oh well guess what? I got a special delivery to make, and you're helping ... No screw you ... Okay I'll ask.[/color]" With all this bickering happening and the length of the pauses being inconsistent with each other, it was clear that she had some sort of grip on the person on the other side. Asoka would lower he phone and press it against her chest as she'd peer over at Hana. "[color=8882be]Where did you say your place was? 3rd Ward ri- Wait, are you bullshitting me? Why the hell would you go there, let alone bring little monsters? Jesus Christ, what was I thinking surrounding myself with you people?[/color]" Lowering the phone didn't work however as the term '3rd Ward' sparked endless shouting from the phone, though it sounded more like muffled screams, it seemed clear that the driver she was calling wasn't too keen on venturing near that place. Asoka quickly picked the phone back up and responded to the stressed out Kaien. "[color=8882be]Ugh, shut up, dude. Forget the ward, you're picking up the goods anyway ... I don't care, you know how favors go ... Fine I'll buy your pansy cigs, just stop bitching.[/color]" And with that she hung up, visibly upset from this altercation. "[color=8882be]Asshole.[/color]" She muttered to herself before setting aside the phone for now and focusing back on the matters at hand. Namely, handling these kids she felt no moral obligation to help but did it anyway because hey, guilt tripping works. One hand on her hip, she seized herself and calmed down before announcing the facts. "[color=8882be]Alright, I can give you a ride. I know fuck all about your place but I really don't want to stick around here any longer. But one warning. It's an SUV, they're five, plus us, that makes seven. And I ain't walking. You handle this one, Hana. Logistics were never my thing.[/color]" With that said, she'd step back out to the front porch, realizing that it was indeed quite dark right now. If they were to go to the 3rd Ward, at least they could be a little inconspicuous. That said, this was getting a little too taxing for a bunch of random kids like any other on the street.