[center][hr][hr][h1][b][color=a187be]Natasha Brinne[/color][/b][/h1] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/908077e80034c1fa49ddbb5e89ccbdca/tumblr_inline_movvyw9Sa51qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Parking Lot [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Via Text: [@Charnobylisk] : In Person: [@rougelily] [@Legion02] [/center][hr] Natasha took note of Alex as he came up; had she been in a better mood she would have chuckled at his overly apparent attempts to ensure she had taken note of him. Granted with everything that was going on and the mood that she was in she had to admit she was grateful he took the time to make sure she didn't get startled. In her current mood she might have ended up decking her second person this morning. When he opened the door and spoke she nodded slightly, just resting her head back on the head rest. [color=a187be]"Sure thing, glad for the company,"[/color] she said in a weary voice, trying to half force a smile but in the end she just let it fade. Her [i]fake[/i] smiles came off as creepy and not reassuring. She wasn't exactly the best at putting on any type of facade other than just going stone cold ice. Right then she was too tired mentally and physically to even try just then. [color=a187be]"We'll leave in a little bit, waiting on Kip to join us and Cass to drop off her bags."[/color] Reaching over to her phone she started to go through her various playlists but had to stop when her phone signaled that there was a message. Checking it she perked a brow, that was a bit of an unexpected thing. Someone wanted to take her to dinner? What was she up to? Oh who cares, free dinner and small talk with someone she really didn't know. Better than one of the people in the group she was closer to that would probably press her to talk about things she really didn't want to deal with right then. [center][color=a187be][b]To Cass:[/b] Yeah, sure. Anything but Korean or with Lemons.[/color][/center] Tas sent the text through and went back to going through her playlist. She wouldn't mind food, she never did but after everything that went down with Sam the last thing she wanted was to be reminded of him; so that cut out anything flavored with lemons or anything Korean cuisine period. Another incoming text stopped her playlist searching and she responsively chuckled at Kips question of what an Alex was. She opted to wait to explain until he climbed into the car. Once he did she pointed over to Alex. [color=a187be]"That's an Alex. Alex, this is a Kip,"[/color] she said with a smirk as she lowered her hand. [color=a187be]"Soon as Cass brings us her luggage we can head out. Oh and Kip.... I know your finger is itching to *click* - go ahead, just no instragramming, facebooking, interneting or any publications okay?"[/color] she said in a rather understanding voice. She knew how Kip was with his photography. Long as he didn't go posting them away to everyone she didn't mind. It was his way of dealing with stuff. [center][hr][hr][h1][b][color=82ca9d]Claire McManuc[/color][/b][/h1] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lx7g81WGgO1qbburdo6_250.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Mighty Bean [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] In Person: [@lydyn] [@SgtEasy] [@ChaoticFox] [@Charnobylisk](Either speaking with or in the vicinity of)[/center][hr] Claire looked over to Cass and nodded a bit as she clamored to her feet and dusted herself. Reaching over she grabbed a napkin to clean up the blood and let out a rather frustrated huff. [color=82ca9d]"Yeah, that sounds like a good call. Could you take my stuff out there? I really don't want to get tackled by Doc Glacier right now and pummeled,"[/color] Claire said as she rolled over her suitcase to Cass. [color=82ca9d]"Not that I wouldn't deserve it."[/color] Collapsing into a booth she groaned. Today had turned out to be a bad start. Well perhaps not bad entirely, least she knew Tas was okay; relatively speaking. Tas was breathing, so that was good, and apparently still had some strength and fight about her; enough to knock Claire on her back end. Which was saying something, the Irish Rose was not one to go down easy. [center][b]From: The Boston Banshee[/b] Have you heard from Tas yet?[/center] The message made Claire smirk, of course Murphy was messaging her about Tas. He had been nearly every couple of hours since she had called him asking if he had heard from her. The man got nearly as worried about Tas as he did when Claire was in the ring. Not that he thought that either woman couldn't take care of themselves but he was that way with anyone he gave two shits about. Claire he adored because she was his only sister. Tas on the other hand he had kind of developed a crush on the first time he met her. Since Nat's party that had really gotten to be much more than a simple crush. Working with Tas and Claire for her finals he had been talking to Tas more, working on songs with her, videos and such. Crush had escalated into something much deeper. [center][color=82ca9d][b]To: The Boston Banshee[/b] Yeah, she's back here in San Fran but seems a lot has gone down. She seems to be... Nevermind, I'll explain later when I call you tonight after we get to Disneyland. Let's just say your Russian Sparrow's feathers seem to be ruffled; like she went through a hurricane.[/color][/center] Hitting send Claire slipped her phone back into her pocket and rested her head down on the table as she waited for Cass to take care of the bags. Hopefully Tas wouldn't chuck her luggage out the window on the highway. Least riding with Cass would mean she wouldn't get left on the side of the road. So that was good wasn't it?