[center] [h2][b]Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo[/b] [color=yellow][b]Hana Kurosawa[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Hana looked at the spuds, and then Asoka, biting her lip ever so slightly as she watched Itsuki go with his violent ramble. [color=yellow]"And he used to be such an sweet stepbrother... Hana-chan is sad."[/color] She muttered in a sulky tone, as she reevaluted her options. Her eyes rested on Asoka, as she surprisingly, put out a cellphone and called what Hana assumed to be her driver. Hana tilted her head quizzically, at the flailing and mentioning of the third ward, before folding her arms. [color=yellow]"Now, now. No need to panic, Hana-chan knows that ward very well!"[/color] She then began to flail to the children. [color=yellow]"As long as you do what Hana-chan says, there won't be problems. Lots of corpses because of the Yakuza, Mafiya and Triads there."[/color] Her eyes rested on one of the boys, who had taken a proactive chance. [color=yellow]"Wow, you want to be the reliable older brother, don't you? How cute! But, don't be hasty, we need to sort something first before leaving. After all, we need to ensure you are good and safe!"[/color] Her hand shot out in a strange gesture, firmly clamping Asoka's head with lightning speed. And, then the medic did the unthinkable. She ruffled Asoka's head as if she were still a kid. [color=yellow]"So nice of you, A-chan! You're still that sweet girl that I knew of!"[/color] The medic giggled, before putting a slightly more serious, or perhaps slightly puckered up face. [color=yellow]"Eight people for a SUV. Okay... You can ride shotgun, A-chan, with your awesome driver. And these kids are still...well, let's just say we can possibly cram all five in the three back seats. As long as the twins don't mind sitting on someone's lap."[/color] She scratched her back. [color=yellow]"And since this is Hana-chan's fault, I shall be in the...trunk."[/color] Tiptoeing, she followed Asoka outside, intent of getting the show started. Pulling out a cellphone, she typed the coordinates of the place inside the ward. [color=yellow]"Let's do this. Nice and easy. I'll invite you to a cup of my Colombian deluxe, manually-grinded coffee!"[/color] She cupped her hands as she smiled, urging people to play their part.