[center] [h2][color=4ba1ba]Colin Oakley[/color][/h2] [img]http://i64.tinypic.com/2qu5dfk.jpg[/img] [i]“Am I out of touch? Am I out of my place? When I keep saying that I'm looking for an empty space.”[/i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndtQ6ReXO-s]Imagine Dragons – Shots[/url] [/center] [b][color=4ba1ba]What is your real name?[/color][/b] Colin Oakley [b][color=4ba1ba]Are you male or female?[/color][/b] Male [b][color=4ba1ba]What is your age?[/color][/b] 17 [b][color=4ba1ba]When is your birthday?[/color][/b] 6th of May [b][color=4ba1ba]What grade are you in?[/color][/b] 12th [b][color=4ba1ba]What are some of your hobbies and interests?[/color][/b] I’m a bit of a nerd I guess; I like games – like most dudes I suppose – and am interested in the exact sciences. My particular interest is Astronomy. I’m also learning myself how to program, but I’m still a beginner at it. Maybe I can combine the two one day? I like reading manga as well; Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of my favs! Oh, and I enjoy listening to music; all sorts of genres. [b][color=4ba1ba]How would you describe your personality?[/color][/b] I’d say I’m rather introverted and passive. Don’t have much of a social life. I try to do my best to strike up a conversation every now and then though, especially if the person seems interesting to me. The few friends I have perceive me as smart and think I’m always pondering over complex calculations and that sorta stuff, while really I’m just absent-minded and am imagining weird situations most of the time. Because I’m so quiet most people think I’m very serious, but I can actually be quite goofy if you really get to know me. You just need to have a healthy dose of persistence to get through this thick shell of mine. [i](Because of Colin’s poor social skills he can sometimes be quite awkward, which has made him somewhat self-conscious. It leaves him in a sullen mood from time to time, though this is not immediately obvious: he does not like to talk about it and so puts up a façade of smiles.)[/i] [b][color=4ba1ba]What has your life been like so far?[/color][/b] It’s been alright I guess? Not really the teenage life I’d dream of as a kid – I mean, I barely have any friends and never had a girlfriend either. Actually... I’ve never really had any romantic interest in girls... I mean, they’re pretty and all, but none of them have ever “sparked” something in me, you know? Anyway, besides that my life is quite fine. I’m acing most of the subjects in school and the situation at home is very steady as well. I live with both of my parents and have one younger brother who I can get along with very well. [i](As a kid, Colin always seemed to seclude himself from other kids. He could mostly be found reading or wandering off. He used to interact more with animals than with people. Because of this, his social skills are somewhat underdeveloped. Colin does not fully realize yet that he is homosexual.)[/i] [b][color=4ba1ba]What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?[/color][/b] I wonder if I should go for some music reference or try to be witty... Hm, ApplePi seems fine. As for an alias, Holden would be neat. I loved the Catcher in the Rye. [b][color=4ba1ba]What are your thoughts on the project?[/color][/b] Maybe it’ll help me in getting some saucy conversations going? Although this is happening online and not in real time... Either way at least it’ll be nice to be able to talk to someone over the weekend. And who knows, maybe there are other people out there who need a helping hand or a shoulder to lean on. Hopefully I won’t have to invest too much time in it though; don’t want it to get in the way of homework... [b][color=4ba1ba]Anything else you'd like to add?[/color][/b] Mayonaise. ([url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGqL85qxs90]Everything Everything – Regret[/url])