[h1]Itsuki[/h1] Itsuki soon arrived at the warehouse, but just from a casual glance he could tell something was up. From his viewpoint, he couldn't see any signs of the patrolling ghouls from the nights before. Nothing about this situation smelled right, but he didn't feel like going back and asking Asoka or Hana for a place to stay just because he got a little suspicious. With his mind now stubbornly set, he'd leap down to the street level, quickly darting across the street until he arrived in the small entry way. As he approached the door, a familiar smell permeated the air, growing stronger the closer he got to it. [i]Blood. . . fuck, This is going to take a while to clean. Makes it hardly worthy considering as a place to live, really, as something like this would attract a lot of attention. Still, let's see if we can figure out who did this.[/i] Itsuki opened the door, walking in to see a good number of ghouls having been brutally torn apart, so much so that it was difficult at times to tell where one body from another at certain spots. Walking amongst the corpses, Itsuki held a handout to lean against a steel frame, the scene bringing back more unwanted memories. Images of his many victims flashed through his head, the taste of ghoul-flesh filling his mouth, making him almost want to gag. His breath caught in his throat, becoming slightly ragged as he felt his paranoia skyrocket, seeing enemies in every shadow. [i]Dammit, can't have an attack now. . . breathe. . . breathe[/i] Itsuki took a second to calm himself down, feeling a bit more stable, though he couldn't help but feel a sense of paranoia crawling up his spine. Looking around, he felt that he was being watched. Whether that was true or just some latent feeling from his time in the 24th, he couldn't tell but was sure he'd find out one way or another. With nothing better to do, he walked around the interior, Kagune fanned out behind him at the ready to strike at any moment as he looked around the area, thinking of how he was going to get rid of these bodies, as he had neither the desire nor the capacity to consume ghoul flesh ever again.