I guess this habit stems from me not wanting people to think I'm saying something I'm not. I will say this Alex is but isn't looking for a fight. For a long time he has had angry bottled deep within him and has no way to release it. He doesn't care if he gets hurt but he also won't throw the first punch at anyone unless they hurt or make Kiley upset. He wants to release his anger but doesn't want to just attack people for no reason. On the point of him not listening to Arturo he typically will completely ignore someone if he feels they are useless to speak to. He doesn't like when people just say the first thing that pops in their head and from his point of view that is what it seems Arturo is doing. He also doesn't like compliments. He feels insecure about himself and when people compliment him it actually has the opposite affect because he is so hard on himself about who he is. He doesn't think he has any redeemable qualities and tells himself that people are just saying the compliments to be nice and he starts saying in his head that he shouldn't even attempt socialization because he thinks everyone will just forget about him after a while.