Hello folks! We are recruiting for our roleplay. Do not let the age of the roleplay or number of posts scare you off, we are still in the early stages of the story! We currently have 8 active players and, as this is a sandbox-type roleplay, we would love to have more join us! Classes are just about to start in Rosa Claire Academy, a school for young supernatural and mythological creatures to learn their bodies and boundaries without fear of exposing their species or coming under fire and punishment for their outbursts. So far, the majority of posts have been characters meeting each other and settling into their new rooms. There was a Welcome Ball that was spoiled by an uninvited dragon family member that crashed the party, injured a student, and caused destruction of school property. A few students are currently gathered in a dorm room for an impromptu after-party. Sound like something you'd be interested in? Click the links below to read more and, if it seems to be a good fit, drop us a CS in the OOC. We look forward to seeing you at Rosa Claire! ~ Silent (co-GM) [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3189587]Background of the School[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3189591]Current Species Listing[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3189592]Faculty Listing[/url] [h2]Dormitory Roommate Assignments[/h2] [b]Males[/b] - Niall - Suley & Morgan [b]Females:[/b] - Laurel & Kiara - Samantha - Lyla & Claire [h2]Active Character Roster[/h2] Niall & Laurel - [@Aspen Wren](GM) Suleykaar & Samantha - [@FallenTrinity](co-GM) Kiara - [@Silent Observer](co-GM) Morgan & Lyla - [@FateWeaver] Claire - [@Blazion]