[h3]The Next Morning - [I]Coruscant, The Jedi Temple[/I][/h3] Ben's consciousness fluttered awake, though his body demanded more sleep. He didn't know why but he felt oddly comfortable and complacent. But in that moment he just wanted to stay still, he wanted to let Odd continue to rest on his shoulder. Her lovely scent wafted pass him, near enveloped him. If not for the incessant need to relieve himself he would have rested in that moment for hours more. Instead though, to his surprise, Odette had moved first. He wondered how long she had been sleep but thought better than to ask, in fact, he pretended to be sleep; if only to save him the embarrassment of seeming overly attached to her. For awhile he heard her rustling through her clothed bag, the shuffle of her books whispered her next move. A silent smirk appeared on his lips. A few more minutes passed before he roused with a convincing motion, than let his eyes open. Ben stood up then to go use the lavatory. He skirted around the padawans who were sleep and noticed that Master Luke was missing from the others. That made feel... weird and worried. Perhaps it was last night's confession to Odette... their new relationship that provoked the feelings. It made him wonder if the Master could sense things like those too. The luke-warm water fell over his hands as he looked at himself. His pale skin felt taunt over his face, his eyes looked heavy; weighed down by his years of agitation and control. He expected them to become livelier now that he'd embraced the freedom to choose his own destiny. [color=black][I]... Claim your seat.[/I][/color] A hollow breath echoed afterwards. Ben stumbled back as the quicksilver visage of the black-helmed warrior flashed before his eyes. He tripped over his ankles and fell, banging his head against the door. A moment later, he could hear Luke tap against the door. [color=yellow][b]"You okay in there?"[/b][/color] he asked. Ben rubbed the spot on his neck where the pain seemed to spawn from, it throbbed and was tinder. [color=red][b]"Yea,"[/b][/color] came his louder than needed response. [color=red][b]"A spider fell from the ceiling, scared the crap outta me is all."[/b][/color] [color=yellow][b]"Oh... well come on out. I must speak with you and Odette."[/b][/color] [color=red][b]"A-Alright,"[/b][/color] Now he felt anxiety creep up through the fear of the vision. Before long he had returned to the room, where he found Luke waiting as calmly as a sentienel and Odette. Ben glanced over to her and wondered if the old-man had said anything yet.