[@Silent Observer] 'Creepy' is an interesting reaction. I feel you might be focussing on the uncle (actually more common in France) and sweets thing to set up the paedo bear joke but if you remove those parts, do you still think he's creepy? Other characters are supposed to see him as, at worst, nosey (ha, puns for everyone) and interfering but not creepy, exactly, unless they somehow know everything someone with OOC knowledge would know. I mean, most of the characters are creepy when viewed from an OOC perspective; drinks blood, turns into wolf, powered by sex, older than time, etc. But in character, that's either hidden or accepted by the people that know them. As for 3/7 Archangels in one place, it feels to like all three have gone some way off of what were originally their mission guidelines so I'd say it's less god saying "All of you, go there" than fate or destiny or something equally convenient. Did you ever read Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett? If not, go do that. If so, I think Edgetoun is kind of like Tadfield; the apocalypse happpens everywhere eventually but it has to start somewhere.