[hr][hr][center][img]http://i66.tinypic.com/307q5bp.png[/img][hr][hr][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/96bc1dc74f8536f26425401aa75c2ac6/tumblr_inline_mkhnudKnph1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Edmond Residence. [b]Time:[/b] 12:45 P.M. [b]Interacting With:[/b] Johnny + Leah Edmond { Parents }, Devan Edmond { Older Brother } .[hr][hr][/center] [@Inertia] [indent][indent]It was the first day in 2 weeks since Liatris had last been home, and silence had filled his room as he slowly poked his head out from beneath the wrinkles of his charcoal sheets, looking around his room aimlessly before rolling onto his back. Staring up at the ceiling, Liatris took in the atmosphere of his room and found a foreign feeling which had crept up to his sudden realization. For once in his life, the male had felt [i]relaxation[/i] and while it was something common amongst others, this sort of feeling was rather [i]rare[/i] for the youngest Edmond. Relaxation had been something he had to take by force from his father (like running away for a good week or two after an infiltration), or often times this state of peace had simply been given as a sort of [i]reward[/i] after succeeding in a task being given by his father. But while peace and relaxation was a sort of foreign concept to the young man, One thing which often stood by his side like another set of siblings was chaos and his old friend, loneliness. Despite the peculiar serenity of silence, Liatris found the feeling of waking up completely alone and unharmed quite relatable to those despicable times of sleeping with a higher up in exchange for secrets to give to his father. The ‘givers’ slept with him for the night, and sometimes left by morning to attend business with whoever the more powerful connections may be. The only difference about this current situation was that he slept with no one however, and Liatris was in his own bed. Huh, another weird feeling that he was in his own bed. Liatris had been used to being pampered by others, even if it was just for one night, just the thought of that alone made him feel disappointed in his current location: [i]Home[/i]. The male slowly crawled out of his bed--Releasing a groan as he walked out his room in his briefs to take a trip to the bathroom down the hall. In the process, the young Edmond caught the scent of breakfast still lingering in the air as noises echoed from downstairs. He sneered to himself with quick satisfaction, before walking into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Whenever Liatris was home, he often avoided any sort of conversation with his father. For starters and being a typical late-teen; He found Johnny’s pestering behavior of business first quite irritating in the morning. Especially when Liatris’ role required actual, physical attention. Nonetheless he never ceased to do as he was told in silence and the male made his way into the kitchen, walking down each step of the stairs with his own heavy steps. One could assume that Liatris was deliberately stomping to make his presence known, he wanted whoever was home to give him their attention no matter how small. Another assumption could also be that he probably wanted to piss off his parents for stomping unnecessarily, or he himself was being a brat over something in particular that was important to him personally. The voices drew louder as Liatris came closer to the end of the stairs, and stopped. A gasp was heard. “Well if it isn’t one of our lovely boys~” His mother purred as she sat down in a seat. Liatris merely sneered in response quietly as he stood, leaning his arm against the wall as he continued to stand at the end of the stairs, eyeing his family. “Morning, kiddo.” His father piped up, piercing over his shoulder as his back leaned against the counter. “Look at that, no bruises & bitemarks, and finally back from his little vacation….Gonna join us?” He nodded his head as an invitation to the conversation and Liatris, still silent, approached his mother, seeing waffle stacks behind her and grabbing the plate. “[color=#ffa8c1]Morning mom.[/color]” He grinned, before looking at his older brother, Devan. “[color=#ffa8c1]Big brother~[/color]” He said in an amused tone, not yet acknowledging his father quite completely. And here comes the trouble. The silent [i]bitch fit[/i]. Liatris poured syrup onto his waffles, adding a bunch of sweets such as 2 scoops of ice cream, and whip cream with some chocolate syrup as well. He handed each condiment to his father in order to have him put it back instead and leaned over the counter on his elbow, beginning to eat his late breakfast as he listened in on this ‘meeting’ quietly. “Now, there are roses to be discovered and obtained. But they aren’t necessarily… Whattya call it… Ordinary roses.” Liatris had already been aware of these ‘roses’ but little was known about them. What exactly was special about this plant? His father continued.. “No--These are roses which could somehow enhance our abilities--Special people like us.” The man eyed his wife and sons. “And to think if we get our very hands on these roses, we’d rise up to the top!” Johnny chuckled, placing both hands over the counter of the table. “Little is known about it, but I expect you all to get what you can.” Johnny said, before he eyed Liatris. Liatris picked at his waffles in silence. So… These were indeed special roses. But for what? At that moment, it was only then that Liatris could see Johnny gaze over his direction from the corner of his eye. For Liatris, he simply had no choice--He was to comply and the male continued to ignore Johnny’s words of more business, and roses, and power--To Liatris. It was all foolish greed, an endless pit of hunger to be on top. What’s next? Johnny Edmond for president? It nearly disgusted him in a sense. “Liatris, My boy.. You have a powerful face, and a powerful mind. Now think of what that face can DO..” Johnny lit up a cigar, inhaling the toxins and exhaling a thick cloud of smoke deliberately in the face of Liatris as a way to annoy his own son and get his attention. Liatris instantly looked back at Devan, his older brother. “[color=#ffa8c1]Hmm.. Must be ringing in my ears--So, How’s life Devan?[/color]” He asked, blowing the smoke clear from his face as he grinned. Nonetheless his father continued, ”..Especially.. To [i]women[/i].” He said, slowly looking at his son from the corner of his eyes. It was clear Liatris was exasperated, choking on a chunk of his food before he wiped his mouth with a napkin--glaring at his father and licking his lips from the sweetness of his breakfast. Johnny’s face had lightened up as soon as he received his son’s full attention, his smile seemed warm and kind--A smile Liatris inherited as well which was actually a wicked one and Johnny casually chuckled at his son’s astonished look, flicking the cigar his way. “Now you see where i’m going, Secrets kiddo. By all means, do what it takes--Especially about--” “I’m sorry you were speaking?” Liatris interrupted, tossing his napkin at Johnny and shoving his breakfast aside. “[color=#ffa8c1]Remember who brought this family up [i]‘by all means’[/i].[/color]” Snorted Liatris in a threatening tone, as he was implying his brother and he, himself. Liatris knew his father wasn’t serious about using him to sleep with women, however just having Johnny imply things like that, ticked Liatris off and he walked away irritably. Johnny had won this round, and Liatris went into his room to change, deciding that it was best to go out. [/indent][/indent]