[b][center]Interests:[/b][/center] Fandoms including and limited to; homestuck, super mario sunshine, pokemon, hetalia, sgt.frog, Halo, Skyrim, Spyro, ([b]Skylanders and New Beginning [u]not included[/u][/b].) Redwall. You need to have a more than adequate knowledge of these fandoms to roleplay them. Please give yourself a refresher course if need be. We also will not be following the time-line of ANY canon characters. Ours will be separate, and not connected to the original characters in any way. Your character must stay within the confines of it's pre-determined attitude. For example, in redwall, Foxes are the bad guys. There are some cases of villains turning good, but it is rare. Light romance, and not a RP solely based on it. In most cases, there doesn't even have to be any romance. Realistic animals. None of that two-leg stuff. Animals don't giggle, smile, smirk, or so much as laugh (unless it's a hyena or a Lyrebird). No human traits, or capabilities. (Monkeys not included). Anthro or lycan role-play's are allowed, but the transformation is painful, and can only be done twice a day. No furries allowed. Any type of animal can be used during Anthro role-plays. But let's at least try to stay away from the always-picked felines and such. Try somethin, new, eh? ^_^ Pirates, mythical creatures, Jungle/Safari hunters (No endangered species.) Dinosaurs, (whether jurassic park themed, or dinotopia themed.) Last but not least, underwater/fire adventures. [b][center]Uninteresting:[/b][/center] Vampires of any kind. They aren't welcome, even if they don't sparkle. Demons, angels, or anything in between. Highschool or really any school. haunted or creepy settings. This includes an excessive amount of gore, psychosis, or just drama. (Drama includes anything that makes a character whine and boo-hoo about how they lost their parents, or how abandoned they are, or people who bully them. Don't add it in as a theme to roleplay as. Character history is fine, just don't go over-board with it.) Slice of life, building a family, or daily life activities. Any fandom not listed above, including Assassin's Creed, World of Warcraft, or any other game not listed above. Sex. 'Nough said. [b][center]Any Questions?[/b] Put 'em in your form submission.[/center]