[center][color=#00cccc][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjI1ZTlkNi5SR1YyWVc0Z1JXUnRiMjVrLjA,/sketch-script-cool.regular.png[/img][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [center] [img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lj58sfNXGU1qalcu6o1_500.gif[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Edmond Residence. [b]Time:[/b] 12:45 P.M. [b]Interacting With:[/b] Johnny + Leah Edmond { Parents }, Liatris Edmond { Younger Brother } [/center] [hr] [@Yvain] [indent] Devan was listening in on the half meeting, half breakfast ordeal. While Devan preferred to do this in a more [i]discreet[/i] quarters, it couldn't be helped. He wasn't going to go against his father's wishes- rather, demands. It was the usual, about the 'roses'. The pills. Pills which would enhance your 'gifts' to limitless degrees. Before his father could dive it any more intricate details, his brother Liatris graced their presence. The same smirk plastered on his face, and the same aura as always. Liatris looked at their mother and greeted her, and then him, ignoring their father. It was to be expected, their relationship was pretty strained. Devan couldn't exactly pinpoint where it all went wrong, but most likely at his father's not so subtle attempt to get him back to the 'straight side' of things. Devan didn't really mind, Liatris could choose to do what he wants. [color=#ffa8c1]“Big brother~”[/color] [color=#00cccc]“Liatris, hey there.”[/color] he replied, giving a wave with his fork still in hand. His father began talking about the significance of the roses. Devan himself knew about it alot, most likely since he is the oldest and was present in these meetings himself. The subject then changed to Liatris' prowess and mind. Devan actually agreed that his brother should take over as head instead in his mind, he sincerely thinks that he isn't well suited to lead the family in the future. [color=#00cccc]“You see dad, Liatris is way more suited that I am to inherit this 'business' of ours.”[/color] He subtly glanced over at his father's reaction, only to see him light a cigarette. Again the suggestion being lightly dusted away. Devan lightly sighed, putting a forkful of waffles on his face. After doing so he got up and walked to the other side of the table, next to Liatris, to grab the syrup that was by his side. [color=#ffa8c1]“Hmm.. Must be ringing in my ears--So, How’s life Devan?”[/color] Liatris spoke up, purposefully ignoring their father once again as he went onto his spiel. Devan stifled his chuckle, and whilst next to his brother began tousling his hair, a bright smile forming on his face. [color=#00cccc]“I'm fine, just the normal daily training. This 'gift' of mine is a pain in the ass sometimes haha.”[/color] He replied, still tousling his younger brother's hair [color=#00cccc]“Dad lighten up, left him do what he wants. He's still helping us out alot afterall.”[/color] Devan began lazily walking back to his chair and plastered the syrup over his now cold-ish waffles. Whilst cutting of a piece of his waffle, now drowned in syrup his brother spoke up once again, [color=#ffa8c1]“Remember who brought this family up ‘by all means’.”[/color] Liatris said, visibly annoyed pushing away his breakfast and walking away. Devan closed his eyes and sighed once more, he had hoped that this breakfast would actually bring them a bit closer in their odd and estranged relationship. He looked at his mother, Leah, with pleading eyes. With an annoyed smile he began telling his father off, and how they should leave business out of the breakfast table from now on. Devan got up once more, and caught up to Liatris, catching him by the shoulder, [color=#00cccc]“Hey, hey, dad didn't mean it...”[/color] he said, trailing off lightly, [color=#00cccc]“Come for the next breakfast, mom already told dad off to leave business of the breakfast table, it'll be fun! Promise!”[/color] Devan gave him a light smile once more, before turning back and walking to the table. Plopping down once more to irritably eat his now even [i]colder[/i] waffles. [/indent]