Not quite sure what you're all looking for so I'll keep it to the basics that may or may not be needed. I'm a long time RPer, both on forums and tabletop, and I enjoy quite a number of settings from medieval to fantasy to modern to sci-fi. Some quick things: -I absolutely love killing off my own characters, death scenes are one of my favorite things to write. -Consent is something I give out freely, as long as your idea is story driving I'll probably agree to it. -As seen by the two above statements it can be easily assumed that I have no emotional attachment to my characters. It's true. They are there to entertain and fulfill a role in a story, not bolster my ego of "my character did this". -Male or female, I can play either. -Evil/chaotic characters are my forte, but I can play anything. -If someone needs a good little bookkeeper I'll play it. I prefer to advance other people's stories as a supporting character. -I post multiple paragraphs at a time as I enjoy reading the replies of character reactions that are of nearly equal length. Any other questions I'm more than happy to answer.