Jainus sighed as he felt the familiar purr of the engines, bracing himself as he realized that the engines were firing up much faster than normal. A sudden shake of the craft as it zoomed out of the hanger caused him to thud against the wall of the hallway next to the crew quarters, where the squad would be sleeping when they could get the chance to do so. As the rumbling settled and the ship glided out to a safe distance, and Jainus regained his footing, he made his way to what might have been a mess hall to get some food and reenergize before the mission. [color=1A53FF][b]“God damn… I’m hungry...”[/b][/color] Jainus grumbled as he grabbed a bowl of oatmeal and took it with him before venturing the rest of the ship to see what was available to him as far as gaining intel on the mission and if he could run into that girl he had saved earlier before the take off. He figured he’s just eat during his wanderings and take it easy until he was told to fight. The cold within the ship was subsiding as they got further from the base, but it was a bittersweet feeling, knowing that they would see worse that just a chill in the air. Jainus shrugged and ate his partially chilled oatmeal and kept wandering, wondering who he would run into first.