Oh, things were surely getting interesting. And by interesting, he meant progressively annoying. With every new appearance, Falsch’s abdomen only became more and more concave. Not only did the giant sack of green potatoes completely refuse to acknowledge his existence, a living coat-hanger sought to spirit away their only mage. [color=red][i]”Yeah, she definitely intends to whisk her right off her feet, and right under the bed sheets without a doubt.”[/i][/color] He mentally commented. And what was with that look in her eyes? Those pupils full of feigned kindness, surely a facade for condescension. He was half-tempted to peruse the demon’s capabilities, but found it borderline impossible to stare at her for more than a second. Mostly because of the uncontrollable urge to leave his eyes glued to her indefinitely. Sure, she was a belle, but there’s no way she could obtain the undivided attention of every single person in the establishment. It took more than just good looks to draw a notable portion of the adventurers from their alcoholic beverages. Something was off about her, but Falsch felt if he was to investigate further, he too would be entranced. His savior turned out to be the person he least expected. Bolting up in armor made of innocence, and with a mind absent of dirty thoughts or any form of mature attraction, the newbie who drew them all together like this professed that his abilities were top-notch once more. In one fluent motion, he threw away precious coinage and shot them away with his naivety. Unfortunately in this case Falsch had to absolve and hand it to the kid. Of course, he wasn’t going to compliment him that easily. The cat-eared adventurer gave a slow, almost sarcastic clap at the display. [color=red]”I’ll admit it, you’ve amazed me. It’s a rare sight to see an adventurer throw away money, even to ramp up their own bravado. But, I guess you deserve some credit for making those shots. Most monsters move faster than the average coin not even in freefall, but hey, at least you’ve technically got a few kills under your belt?”[/color] Falsch shrugged with a wry smile stretched widely across his face, which almost seemed to extend far beyond the corners of his mouth. He paused to sip at the last of his coffee, and after gently setting down the cup, waltzed over to the somewhat jolly green giant. [color=red]”And you, my axe-bearing… is acquaintance too much? Let’s just accept the fact that we’re on the same plane of existence, sounds good?”[/color] Falsch had picked up that the Orchid too intended to exclude him from the party. Rather than returning a favor, he decided to forgo the antagonistic approach and constricted the orc in ropes of kindness and friendship, [color=red]”Anyways, I’m sure with your help [i]in addition[/i] to mine, we probably have a higher possibility of success with harder quests.”[/color] Yes, pawn them both off to kid as an inseparable package. [color=red]”But in all seriousness, and I truly mean in all seriousness, we could really use a tank. I can go for weak points and cover for where you falter. And I’m sure with Koji firing from the rear and [i]our[/i] mage, we can be a fairly coherent unit.”[/color] Once Falsch had wrapped up his monologue, he wanted to hold out his hand to Orchid to seal the deal, but felt that the orc would “accidentally” incapacitate him and decided against it. Now it was time for the last, and frankly the most detrimental hurdle. Instead of taking the demon aside, he simply stared into her eyes, unwavering in his resolve. These sort of situations required thorough thinking, the utmost foresight, and undying determination. Fulcrums like these were the center of historical events. From these points, a myriad of alternate futures could blossom and erupt. Thus, he would have to proceed in the most conscientious manner. [color=red][i]”YOU HELP US OUT, YOU GET THE BOOTY.”[/i][/color] The mental message hopefully bridge the gap between the two. Falsch solemnly nodded and then announced to nobody in particular, [color=red]”Oh yeah, my name is Falsch. Falsch Amorum. Adventurer. Nekomimi. Meow and stuff.”[/color]