[@RumikoOhara] [center][h1][color=ed1c24]Emira Levi Firestorm[/color][/h1][/center] [color=ed1c24]"Well.. I am glad for you."[/color] she laughed. [color=ed1c24]"Best of luck with that. Honestly.. at this point I will probably end up alone forever. It won't be all that bad i guess."[/color] She shrugged. [color=ed1c24]"I wasn't really keen on ever having children anyways. Not going to curse them with the same problem I've got."[/color] She smiled at Meg. [color=ed1c24]"I know. Thank you."[/color] Then Emira stiffened as Megan gave the suggestion to connect with Marcus on the other side. [color=ed1c24]"I will tell you the same thing I told you last year"[/color] She narrowed her eyes. [color=ed1c24]"If someone is dead, and does not come back as a ghost then they do not wish to be disturbed. I may miss my brother, but I am not going to attempt to contact him if he is at rest. It's unhealthy to hold on to someone for that long. He died years ago, and even though life will never be the same.. that is life and I have to learn to live with it. I have a shrine for him here at Hogwarts because he loved this place, not because i have this sick need to keep him alive. He died because it was his time to go.. nothing more nothing less."[/color] Emira's views on life and death might be a bit harsh, and her acceptance of her brothers death might seem a bit cold for someone who was so close to him they practically shared a brain sometimes.. but it was actually was a deep part of her personality. She'd always been taught from a young age to accept death as a cost of life. She'd seen countless Thestrals pass away, and a cat and owl as well. Her uncle's gentle hands had taught her to cry was okay.. to mourn and keep memories of them was okay.. but to try to bring them back was... disgusting.. like trying to reanimate a corpse. Something like that famous story with the three brothers where the one brother tried to bring his lover back but she didn't want to be alive and he'd killed himself to be with her. Trying to contact Marcus would almost be like trying to bring him back. It was actually.. probably part of the reason she'd been chosen by a wand with a Thestral Tail hair core. She'd read up on the core because not one other student she knew had one like it. She'd initially thought it was just because she worked closely with Thestrals.. but after reading up on wand lore.. she'd learned it was far more complex than that. Thestral Tail hair was a core rarely used because it was finicky and difficult to handle. Though, apparently if one could learn to harness it properly it was one of.. if not the most powerful cores in all of the entire wizarding world, with their being a rumor about the strongest wand in the world with a core of the stuff. Not that she believed that rumor at all, no wand could possibly be 'the strongest in the world.' She hadn't been able to find much more about it, other than a weird rumor about Thestral Hair wands choosing people with a strong connection to death. Another stupid rumor, which was probably brought about by the misinformation about Thestrals.