[center][h3][color=00aeef]Lewis Yung[/color][/h3] [@Nosuchthing][/center] "Oh, this old thing?" Lewis twirled the pendent's silver chain around his finger, his smile faltering ever so slightly. The mettalic dove gleamed in the dim light of the bar, it's miniature wings outstretched as it flew eternally still. It was as old as Lewis, and older still. Yet even now, the silver bird remained unchanged, untarnished by time. How many years had he had this old thing? Nine? Eight? Added to time when it had belonged to... No. His hands folded over the pendant a bit too tightly as the bittersweet memories churned his stomach. No. Not now. He couldn't think about [i]her[/i] now. It had been years ago, but the memory was still an infected wound in his mind. All memories were. That's why it was better to push them back and keep moving. Lewis chuckled flippantly, though no amount of voice adjustment could disguise the faint forcedness of it. "It was my sister's, simple as that," he dismissed, reaching for the drink, "And I'm sure whatever story it tells won't interest someone like you.". The drink was a nice distraction, but the taste was like watered down diabetes with a side of after-party breath. But it did a fair job of masking the not quite foreign yet not quite familiar trace of alcohol and gave him a nice buzz that would give him enough energy to turn back, though leave him in a near camotose state for a while. His brief moment of tension faded like the wind as his eyes took on their familiar, mischievous light. "So, Mr. Gentleman," he began as he finished the last of his sugary drink, "are you excited about the celebration? It usually gets wilder by the night. [i]Much[/i] wilder."