Thursday March 21, 2016 [color=f6989d]7:53 AM[/color] Mina put her computer away when she decided that she had studied enough. [i]Too much studying's bad for the brain.[/i] She looked around. There were a few more people now. Mina shook her head. [i]Why do these people want to risk being late for class?[/i] She was about to get up and stretch her back when she heard a cough. She turned her head towards the sound. The only person that was there was a boy. A [i]perfect[/i] boy, if you must. She couldn't spot a single wrinkle in his clothes, and his hair was carefully combed. Her eyes seemed to have a mind of its own, for they kept scanning his body, and the way he was holding the book. For some reason, Mina liked it. Oh, she adored it. After standing stupidly for a minute or two, Mina shook her head quickly. What was she doing? [i]He's ignoring me on purpose. He probably doesn't want anything to do with me.[/i] She sighed internally and picked up her bag. She walked into the school and straight towards her first class, History 11. She had skipped a grade in this subject, as she had with all of the others. Mina liked to think that people were amazed at the fact that she was taking AP Calculus in grade 9. [color=f6989d]8:12 AM[/color] She took a seat at the very front left-hand corner, so she wouldn't have to talk to anybody. Her mark had gone down by two percent, and she desperately wanted to get it back to a 100 again. Mina pulled out her History notebook, and her carefully arranged pencils and pens. Maybe the reason why she was so studious was because of the pretty pens she had. They aren't very expensive, but Mina still loves them. The whole History class, all she could think about was that boy with the book. She tried digging her fingernails into her palms, slapping herself lightly, and everything that she could think of. The only thing that made her stop thinking about him, was when the teacher announced that there will be a partnership project. Oh how much she hated partners!