Giggling to herself, Sophia jumped to her feet and rushed inside, slipping into the bathroom and turning the shower on ice cold. She shivered beneath the spray, undoing her ponytail and shaking her hair free. At the kitchen table, Madeline flashed her daughter a sardonic grin as she emerged from the bathroom, her running clothes soaked through. “There’s a change of clothes and a bottle of soap in your backpack. Now hustle it.” Sophia beamed at her and planted a wet kiss on her cheek, hugging her tightly. “Alright alright, get going. Don’t do anything that your uncle wouldn’t do.” Smirking, Sophia’s fingers turned into a blur. [color=silver][b]Shouldn’t you say, “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do”?[/b][/color] Madeline rolled her eyes, smirking right back. [b]We both know that doesn’t count for much.[/b] [color=silver][b]So my choices are either everything, or nothing. Sounds boring. I think I’ll just do what I do.[/b][/color] Both women giggled, and Sophia hurried out the door, pausing only to grab her backpack and give her aunt a kiss. Kailey smiled as she waved at the pair of teens. “Have fun, sweetheart.” She was answered by a short whistle, which sounded awfully close to ‘always’, and the duo set off. “Hey!” Sophia whipped around, and Madeline smiled as she leaned through the doorway and tossed her her necklace. “Don’t wanna forget this!” Catching the sharktooth, Sophia slipped it over her head and waved. As the pair walked towards the school, Sophia began signing rapidly, mischief in her eyes. [color=silver][b]So, did you dream about me again?[/b][/color] [@pockets]