Thursday March 21st, 2016 Richard coughed, almost choking on the last bite of his sandwich and sputtered for a moment, his face getting beet red in moments. Whether it was from embarrassment or the bits of food lodged in his esophagus was anyone's guess. "Sophia!" He whined." That was one time and tou were in a giant cook pot surrounded by goblins and monsters." He coughed a few more times and glared at her when she laughed at him. He couldn't glare for long though and before they'd traveled another block he was smiling, a crooked half grin. "Come on, chuckles," he grumbled lightly and grabbed her arm. He started jogging, pulling Sophia along with him. "We're really gonna be late at this point." They got to school with just enough time for him to grab his backpack from hisblocker, left there the day before, and for Sophia to change her clothes. First class of the day went by quickly enough, AP English with Sophia throwing small wads of paper at him throughout the class. Thy managed to avoid getting detention but Richard had small bits of notebook paper stuck in his hair by the time they started walking to their second class, Chemistry. "I hate tests," he muttered. I hate tests,I hate tests, I hate tests." They took their seats, roughly in the middle of the room and he looked around to see that girl Mina sitting toward the front of the class and perfect Alden in a seat near her. Just before the bell, Largent slouched his way into the room, angry scowl permanently etched on his sharp features and Richard did his best not to glare at the guy. He did NOT like Largent. The door opened a moment later and a new guy walked in. It took Richard a moment to realize it wasn't a student but a new teacher. "My name is Tristan Thorne," he said, writing his name on the board. "But you may call me Om. I will be substituting for your regular teacher for the next few days so let's try to get along and not burn the school down, capiche?" He had the square jaw and rugged features of a comic book superhero and despite a fun seeming attitude toward teaching, Richard immediately disliked him as nearly every girl in the class started making moon eyes at the new teacher. Richard slumped down in his chair and groaned quietly, head cushioned on his crossed arms on the table in front of him. "It's gonna be a long day," he muttered. [@Inertia][@Thundercrash][@Ally610]