Walking through the corridors Gaulirax felt uneasy going the way he was. It wasn’t often he left the slave quarters. He watched the glowing crystals pass by, his breath staying at a steady rate, while he stared straight ahead. Then the dwarf’s mouth opened, and just as Gaulirax was going to retort a sharp pain went through his back like lightning. He stumbled to a knee for a moment before standing up, snapping his jaws shut as he did so, not wanting to give the guard the satisfaction of hear him give sound to the pain. As they began travelling again he made sure to not make a noise, keeping to himself as he let his thoughts wander to the previous arena match he had. He remembered the heat of the battle, the way his muscles burned as he fought such a feverish and powerful opponent that was the minotaur. His muscular form bunches up as every tendon tenses as if at any moment that very minotaur may very rise up from the abyss in the very hall he walked, and force him to face the beast again. Deeper thoughts took him as time progressed and they still walked, the weight of the chain and collar completely absent from his mind as it wandered to the thoughts of seeing his Mistress for the first time in several months, and even then it was only glances, and seeing her in the stands in the Arena. Some smoke came from his nostrils as they moved into larger areas, the hall widening and he looked to the elaborately carved, jeweled illustrations on the wall. He was amazed as always by the intricate markings and the way they had been crafted, but it only succeeded in reminding him how alone he really was. He was truly cut off from the world at large, he got to smell sweat, and stone, but only once in awhile did he see the sky open and free, did he smell the salt on the air. Inwardly Gaulirax sighed at the thoughts that ran rampant through his head, He considered how he was trapped in this place to be used as a pawn to gain his Mistress coin, and treasures, how he was nothing but a ticket to wealth and fame. New thoughts arose though, thoughts that empowered him, thoughts of how he would one day break free of his bonds, one day he would be out there and prove to the world that Gaulirax was a hero, a paragon. Then they were at a door and he stared at the two dwarves as they made their exchange, and the door swung open. He stepped inside with them his body demeanor never changing even as his taloned feet clacked across the smooth surface of the floor. Then there she was, his Mistress. It had been a while since he had been this close to her, seen her face to face. He took a deep breath and looked her over, she hadn’t grown any more attractive over the years, and deep inside he could only consider her one of the most wicked beings he had ever met, though Gaulirax was biased considering his current position. When her wing lifted his eyes went straight to the young woman who was doing what he had done so many years ago, and when she looked at him he felt a surge of happiness, something he had not felt in a very long time. Her words bothered him a bit deep inside, it seemed almost as if she was taunting him, like he was nothing more than meat. As he was pushed he continued with the movement stepping slowly across the ground barely phased by the shoved as he got near the Dragoness before him. SLowly Gaulirax went to his knees, his palms being placed on the floor as he leaned forward puttin ghis snout to the solid stone beneath him. “I have come as ordered Mistress. I Gaulirax am ready to serve however my Mistress deems fit.” He did the motions, he spoke the words, but he didn’t really feel them. He knew one way or another this life of servitude was temporary, he would either be free, or he would die.