Hal bolted upright in his bed. "Aww, crap! Not again!" His bedside clock glowed nearly eight. He scrambled to his dresser, yanking out clothes and throwing things on. He jammed books into his schoolbag, ran downstairs, and set the toaster, moving through his morning routine at lightning pace. The toaster popped, and Hal grabbed his breakfast and hurdled out the door, nearly forgetting to lock it. Of course no one had woken him. No one was home. His father was at a convention in Chicago, and his mother left early for the office. Forgetting to set the alarm clock was an all-too-common mistake. Hal took off down the street, as fast as his legs could carry him. The bell rang as he arrived, much to his dismay. He slid sheepishly into class taking one of the seats closest to the door. He, hoped no one would notice. "But they will... They always do..." Hal muttered to himself defeatedly. He let his head drop to the desk, making a muffled 'thump' as he hit. "Stupid alarm clock..."