[center][h1][color=007236]Elliot Forrester[/color][/h1][/center] Elliot was listening to everything that Karen was saying as he continued to finish the food that was stacked up on his plate. [color=007236]“Yeah I know what you mean, if they turn out to be radicals I don’t think they’ll be fans of two Half-Bloods like ourselves.”[/color] Elliot let out a little laugh at the situation trying to make light out of the situation and get Karen in a bit of a better mood. As Elliot finished off the last of his food he continued to talk, [color=007236]“I'll probably just come with you to the meeting to be honest. When is it again?"[/color] Before she answered he went on to say, [color=007236]"Well anyway I fancy going relaxing on the couches in the dorm room. Are you coming Karen or are you staying here?”[/color] He slowly got off the bench and started to give a massive stretch and a yarn. Elliot hadn’t realised how full and tired he was until he actually stood up. Rubbing his belly he waited for Karens answers and smiled at her. [@TheHangedMan]