[hr][center][h1][b][i][color=khaki]Fr[/color][color=tomato]ick[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://i.giphy.com/BBnURzRmaUoIo.gif[/img] [img]http://nickys.se/wp-content/uploads/sites/14/2015/11/tumblr_mveyxsBXkv1sm4b3io1_500.gif[/img][hr] [b]Time:[/b] Afternoon [b]Weather:[/b] Normal [b]Location:[/b] Newnan [b]Interacting With:[/b] Each other, James, Dexter, Jaime and Zoie. [/center][hr] Shit she knew Banjo Lips. Meh, he could overlook it [i]maybe[/i], depending how good she was in the sack. He turned to look at her again as Victor moved out of his way but no sooner had he moved to turn his head than she was on top of him. Nose to nose. Shit she was warm. Richard squirmed a little, trying to pretend like Sanchez and Dex weren’t right behind him, pressed again his back while he took in every little bit of his new obsession. He shifted his lower half, trying to knock her off at first before realising that he actually didn’t mind this situation beyond the two guys being here too. He relaxed himself and smiled silently, listening to her. His face was in a cloudy haze as she near enough damn well rode his fucking bones without the most fun, and naked, part of it. Well that did it. Dick was in love. He grinned as she made her threats and he damn well believed every single one of them. This was going to be fun. He watched as she jumped off him and told Froggy to get in back. Richard got out the cab and motioned to let the doctor sit inside, so that Richard could keep his perch at the window. Victor remained quiet and entered the vehicle with his machete and pack in hand. He gave a smile to Zoie by way of thanks before his head disappeared inside. He appreciated that she took care of him, more than he really verbalised. As he waited for Froggy to get inside, he looked up to Zoie in her perch and grinned. [color=tomato]”Hey now, I meant no harm. Just watchin’ my six. Suddenly having a huge, French man lumbering towards me and demanding that I open my mouth ain’t exactly fucking welcoming. Y’know? But consider yourself heard.”[/color] He gave her a wink and smug little smile before he, quite openly fixed his lower regions (without full on pulling it out) before ducking back into the now uncomfortably full cab and shut the door over. He heard the two pounds on the beast and they were off, heading to wherever Banjo Lips was taking them. This day might have been bad to start with but it seemed to be looking up for Richard. Sure he might need to damn with a nigger, beaner and a frog but he could deal with that if it meant he might get to deal with electricity, running water and now, the sweet piece of ass they’d just picked up. And no, he didn’t mean Froggy. The only thing that could make this day any better is if Banjo Lips or Dirty Sanchez bit the bullet. He was rooting for Sanchez in this race but would be happy with either or. But if Banjo Lips kicked it then who’d take them to this settlement? Okay, Dirty Sanchez it was. [hr] The carnage at Newnan was apparent even before they entered it. Victor couldn’t really see too much considering Richard was covering the entire window as he looked out of it and there were two other people in the way of the other window. He simply sat in silence, content that he was no longer in the open or walking to their destination. Richard saw the mess of Deadbrain bodies scattered here, there and everywhere. He was glad he’d missed whatever piece of hell that ripped through here was. He heard the exchange between Zoie and Black James and watched the scene of Newnan unfolding before him. He was glad to be inside the Buster, that was for sure. [hr][center][h1][b][i][color=olive]Lorna Dunn[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2u7j9Toek1r49izqo3_500.gif[/img][hr] [b]Time:[/b] Afternoon [b]Weather:[/b] Normal [b]Location:[/b] Newnan >> Infirmary [b]Interacting With:[/b] Leann, Ash, El Jefe, the sisters and anyone else in the area [/center][hr] Lorna gave a curt nod at Leann’s new orders and gripped the rifle, keeping aim with it as she followed Ash’s lead. She surveyed the areas opposite of where Ash was keeping tabs and noticed the same as he did. This was going to take a lot of work to clear up but it would be worth it. Ash gave her a snarky remark back about his jacket and she couldn’t help but grin. She liked Cap, he was a decent guy and a good solider. She was glad to have met him, she decided. [color=olive]“She sounds like my kind of woman. I’ll be happy to meet her when she gets back.”[/color] Slinging her rifle over her head, resting it on her opposite shoulder, Lorna grabbed her katana again slowly. Not letting the metal make noise as she unsheathed the blade. She spied a cluster of two Walkers that were a decent distance away from any other groupings and not in the line of sight that Ash was watching. They were a little too close for comfort. She signalled to Ash that she was heading for them. She quickly and quietly made her way forward and sliced in one fluid motion, disconnecting their legs at the knees. The two Walkers slumped to the ground and began clawing towards her. One looked much older than the other so she opted to make her boots match, using her clean foot to beat its skull in. The squelching noise as unmistakeable as ever while, simultaneously, her blade chopped off the other ones cranium. The noises were not something Lorna was ever going to get used to. She made her way back over to the group, her blade being wiped on Ash’s jacket to rid it of the worst of its blood before she sheathed it again. Her rifle was back in her hands and she motioned that they were clear on her side. She looked forward to where Ash was pointing and her eyes widened for a second before her brow furrowed in concern. [color=olive]“Holy fucking [i]shit[/i]…”[/color] She hadn’t seen anything like it and she hoped to dear fucking God that this was one of the Newnan bodies and not an intruder. She did not feel like going toe-to-toe with that [i]beast[/i]. She watched as he just mowed his way through Walkers like a man utterly possessed and then she realised she knew that demeanour. She knew that face. He’d lost someone… or maybe he’d just lost his mind? No. There was a kind of “lack of purpose” purpose to his path of destruction. She knew that feeling. She’d been there before. Although [i]this[/i]… This was something else entirely. She thought of her dad and of Calvin. Her heart sank, her stomach knotted and her jaw set as she forced herself to forget again. No. Not now. She swallowed the lump in her throat and watched the distraught man clear a path for a truck. Now was probably the time to ask. [color=olive]”Friend or foe?”[/color] She raised an eyebrow and looked to Ash and Leann. Maria and Kris were still bringing up the rear, covering their six. [hr]