Hey there, I have quite a simple request! I have this picture [img]http://i.imgur.com/DNSHnP8.jpg[/img] Links to the picture if you need them - http://imgur.com/DNSHnP8 http://myanimelist.net/images/characters/3/55328.jpg I want it the same exact size, all I want is a border for it. I'm thinking something like black wispy smoke that kind-of fades? if that is possible. I would be open to your ideas though as to what you think would look good. I want the tone/theme of the picture kept the same though, meditating Samurai and all that so nothing hectic or flashy. (Maybe even a simple black line with a shadow to raise the pic and make it kind of pop would work?) Oh! is there any way to do a border like calligraphy brush strokes? Like [url=https://nooff.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/so-enso.jpg]this[/url] but not as thick obviously. I think that would be perfect actually. Is it possible? Thanks for looking at my request :D