[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/aa/de/07/aade07234010ef768a6bf0d9e240ceb0--danila-kozlovsky-facial-hair.jpg[/img] Kajun Matthews 27|[url=http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz/Jj5ZRhNVqt5fkUEX7NFxGsbA3dbztic7bmFTmx9dGHrYRrL7k1kuQzlLHI0cps3ibMKLRIaOssjKPmiaIDzQ8SQTw/0?wx_fmt=jpeg]Shape Shifter[/url]|The Patient One [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtZk8meJJVE]Take It Out On Me-Thousand Foot Krutch[/url] December 12, Sagittarius Kajun is a very smart and charismatic guy, but above all he is known for his patience and ability to keep a level head when dealing with problems. Which comes in handy when his group is playing on both sides of the feud. This doesn’t mean he doesn't get angry from time to time, but that he is just really, really good at hiding it from others unless someone he cares about gets hurt. His preferred shift is the white panther. Though this is only his second year, he is the leader of the crowd of Shape Shifters that aren’t grouped in with another race completely. Actually being asked by the others to take after the last leader left and he helped bring order to the group again, and stopped the shifters from ending up in a UnSeelie feud. He might not rule with an iron fist, but he is a good leader. CLASSES Coexisting with Humans Ancient Languages and Dialects Shifting IV PE Free History Coexisting with other supernatural beings [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/0c87d7af2061842ff1b851293adfed60/tumblr_o1dxn6qAoA1uegks3o8_r1_500.jpg[/img] Elizabeth "Lizzie" Tanner 32|[url=https://lh3.ggpht.com/6ojljILkszsHwXGvPItEG0jE0YzapsliP5V9cHP2idF1iYLqs09k3kcL_hVkq2lEKA=h310]Shape Shifter[/url] - Nymph Hybrid|The Drama Queen [Url=https://youtu.be/6HiDSfHbw7s]She's So Mean - Matchbox Twenty[/url] Known for being extremely selfish, egotistic, and over dramatic, Elizabeth is seen as sort of a Drama Queen. Rised as an only child for most of her life she grew up very spoiled. Though her mother remarried after her father left, and she became an older step sister, she still remained spoiled. Using every chance to get her brother Kajun into trouble, or spinning her "accidents" to be his fault. Coming to the school a year before him, gave most of the shifters to see how she truly is. Thus the people at the school are not easily fooled by this, something that annoys her without end. And left the fact she almost started a feud between the shifters and UnSeelie, over a boy, completely to fall on her shounders. Luckily for her, her brother stepped in and ended the feud before it started. Unluckily for her, he became the leader of the group and outcasted her. This shift in power of their relationship however, does not seem to affect the fact she enjoys making not only her brother but others miserable. Classes: Botany and Alchemy IV Free Shifting IV PE History Ancient Literature Coexisting with Other Supernaturals[/center]