[center][h3][color=orange]The twins[/color][/h3] [img]http://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M903bf0db0f73e97009dd97c93ef9ee76o0&pid=15.1[/img] Location: cafe time: 12:30pm color codes: yellow=the mom red=the dad orange=when both are talking pink=Gage green=Aron Interacting with:[@ChaoticFox][@Anima][@Ace of flames01] [/center] [hr] Gage nods at Sophie. His cooking is his escape. Aron smiles at Sophie before he feels the small vibration signifying a text on his flip phone. He quickly opens it and snorts at the text from Kim. He quickly replies back: [i] I'll tell him later. Scope her out for me Kim'[/i] he winces at the last part knowing full well he isn't ever going to be interested in any women, but not finding himself able to tell even his best friend yet. His attention is quickly pulled by a customer and he smiles at her while he whips out his notepad. [color=green] "okay sure. Anything else or are you fine with water"[/color] he also pulls out a seat for a table meant for two. [color=green]"go ahead and sit here"[/color] he then heads over to the window. [color=green]"sandwich not specified"[/color] Gage grins and does a nod at his brother before pulling out bread and roast beef. He salts and peppers it before placing it in a pan. The smell quickly filling the whole place. He lightly toasts the bread and places it on an oval shaped plate. He cooks the meat a bit longer before placing the tender beef on the bread. Then he gets set on the sauce. A beef broth with the drippings from the meat and poured into a cup with a wide opening. Another ding echoes as he places the plate on the window. Hearing the song Aron grabs the plate and places it in front of her along with a napkin and a glass of water. [color=green]"enjoy, if you need anything my name is Aron"[/color] he then head over to a different table to make sure everything is clean.