After Olivia was dropped off at school for the day, she went straight to her locker to toss out the forgotten lunch from yesterday. Today was going to be a good day, at least in one aspect of her life. It was the high-school's annual Millington volunteer week, so each grade was given a day of this week to help around the town. Today, all the juniors were volunteering at the hospital. Which meant [i]He[/i] was not here today, and school felt so much safer. Monday had been her grades day. All the eight graders had spent the day at the animal shelter, washing dogs, cleaning kennels, scooping poop, feeding animals, and walking them around around the track. Yesterday the seniors had spent the day beautifying the park and riverside by picking up trash, painting benches, planting flowers, and cutting grass. Tomorrow was going to be the freshmen's day and they would be spending the morning at the old folks home, and the rest of the day covering up graffiti throughout town. Friday Sophomores had the pleasure of helping at the food pantry and donation center. Anyway not having to avoid [i]Him[/i] and take the long way to classes made Olivia's day much easier. Her first three classes of the day went by much quicker when she was not paranoid and scared. Lunchtime came around and so she headed to the cafeteria along with the horde of other students. She was not planning on eating anything but she did want to buy a nice ice cold fiji water at the vending machines. Standing at the end of the long line she waiting her turn. Olivia was alone in the huge room filled with laughing teenagers. Girls running up to hug each other like the hadn't just seem their friends this morning, couples making out, cliques swarming together at their unofficially designated tables, teachers chatting together near the entrance, cheerleader's handing out flyers for the car wash this weekend, and kids looking peeved at the hot lunch of the day. The school food was subpar at best, and today was Sloppy Joe's with a side of green beans from a can. The Sloppy Joe's always tasted more like tangy relish with a pinch of meat sauce, and they were served on a stale whole grain bun. The vegetarian option at this school was either the salad bar, or a the salty veggie soup. If you had ten or more bucks to spend everyday then you could opt for the À la carte lunch line. It had outrageously priced teen favorites: pizza, corn-dogs, burgers, smiley fries, chicken tenders, donuts, nacho, burritos, and there even was a slushy machine whose flavor change monthly. At the moment it was mango. Olivia dug two dollars out of her wallet and fed it to the machine. She pressed C1 for her fiji water bypassing the popular choices of coke, redbull, Dr. Pepper, orange crush, and Grape powerade. As she turned around to leave, she saw Marigold walking over to her waving, as Taylor followed behind. Marigold Bluemont was an overly peppy 10th grader who Olivia had know forever. They both started ballet class on the same day like seven years ago. [color=c4df9b]"Olivia! Oh my gosh! So happy we caught you. Come stand in line with us, Monica and Tally are saving our spots."[/color] Olivia was kind of stunned that they were talking to her. The last time Marigold had said anything to her was at her parents memorial service four weeks ago, and even then it was only obligatory condolences. She didn't really know what to say, so she just followed them into the lunch line. Monica was one of Ollie's old friends who she had parted ways with at the beginning of the school year. They had just drifted apart over the summer, after Monica became hellbent on being popular in high school, and obsessed with rap music. Tally was Marigold's best friend, fellow peppy person, and president of the key club. [color=c4df9b]"So you should totally come to Ballet practice today Liv. Ms. Julie really wants you back, ya know? Oh an like so do we."[/color] Marigold said as she popped a pink sprinkled donut, and slice of pizza onto her tray. [color=a5d1f0]"I will have to ask my family first..."[/color] Olivia said uncertain, as she mindlessly put food onto her own tray. She didn't want to go, so she was trying her best to find a good reason. [color=c4df9b]"Oh Yeah! Like of course hon. Family first and all. Just like, text me before schools out if your coming or not, kay? Got to make room in the car for you. Taylor's brother is still driving us to class as always. So like, just meet us under the big tree in the parking lot like usual Liv."[/color] Marigold said cheerily as if it was settled. [color=f6989d]"Yeah, well my brother told me that I should convince you to start doing ballet again. Basically he wants me to be friends with you because your so pathetic. Its not like I even care if you come today or not, but Ms. Julie will be peeved if we can't get you to come back."[/color] Taylor said trying sound as mean and uncaring as she could. Marigold slapped Taylor in the shoulder, and glared at her. [color=c4df9b]"Don't listen to her she is on her period."[/color] She said to Olivia giving her a reassuring smile. [color=c4df9b]"Come sit with us."[/color] Olivia paid for her tray of random foods, and follow Marigold and the others to the table. She sat next to Tally at the end of the table. [color=c4df9b]"So did you text your family yet?"[/color] Marigold asked looking over at Ollie. [color=a5d1f0]"Oh yeah...Sorry."[/color] Olivia said pulling her phone out of her bag. She decided texting James was the better option. Sophia and Riley would have most likely been fine with her going to ballet after school, instead of working at the diner. [color=a5d1f0][i]'Today after school is ballet practice, and some of the girls are asking me to come back to class today. I don't have to go. I know you need my help at the diner after school, and that we are understaffed.'[/i][/color] Olivia sent the text. If it had been mom she would have perfectly understood that Olivia was looking for an excuse to say she could not go. Her dad on the other hand would have assumed she really did want to go, and was only mentioning her duties at the diner to sound responsible and polite. She wonder if James could read between the lines like mom, or if he was more like dad. As she was putting her phone back in her purse someone behind her yelled [i]NARK[/i] and a wadded up napkin hit her shoulder and fell into lap, giggling followed from behind. This is what you get for telling the teachers that senior girl's were smoking pot in the bathroom. Monica stood up and flipped off the person who threw the napkin. [color=a187be]"Her parents fucken died you assholes!"[/color] Monica angrily snapped at them and then she looked guilty as she glance at Olivia. [color=a187be]"Sorry I didn't mean to..."[/color] Monica said to Ollie as she sat back down. [color=a5d1f0]"Its totally fine...and thanks."[/color] Olivia said as she placed the balled up napkin on her tray. Olivia felt awkward sitting at the table with them. She was more or less silent except for the occasional yes or no answer. They chattered on about the spring recital, school gossip, and the unfortunate clothing malfunction at the pep rally yesterday that had one of the freshmen cheerleaders in tears. [color=a5d1f0]"Actually I have to go to office to turn in my school picture form before lunch ends. So I should probably go. Um...I'll text you Marigold if I can go to ballet today."[/color] Olivia said trying to make a getaway. She had had enough for the time being, and going to the office was a lie, but she needed to get out of there. Marigold smiled as waved as Olivia took her tray and walked away. She dumped the uneaten food in the trash and left the cafeteria. She made a beeline for the library. Even if James said yes to her going to ballet, Olivia would most likely lie and tell Marigold she couldn't go. She had missed her french test yesterday, and so Mrs. Gaines said she had all of class today to take the makeup test in the library. AP french use to be her second favorite class just behind art, and ahead of AP English, but lately she could not find any happiness in the things she use to love. As she walked the semi-empty halls to the library she found herself passing by the art room. Mr. Knox was at the pottery wheels, spinning away at a chunk of clay that resembled a vase. He looked up and waved for Olivia to come in. Mr. Knox had been one of her dad's best friends, and was also a family friend. He had been there for the Reese kids after the crash, and was just as devastated as they were. He had even offered Sophia to take Olivia and Zoey in, so the older Reese kids could focus on college and their new adult lives. To the family he was affectionately nicknamed Uncle Wally, but in school he was Mr. Walter Knox the high school art teacher.