[@Mcmolly][@Madninja324][@Pyromaniacwolf][@VedranTheII][@spiriteddream] Alright, everyone. I hate to do this, but I think we all know it's been coming for a long while. Heroes of a different story is dead. We've lost too many players too many times, the planned plot is at least another 5 months off course, and I have entirely lost my motivation and inspiration as a GM. It's been a good run, and I had a lot of fun while it lasted, but I am not the GM you all deserved, and this roleplay is a shadow of what it could have been. If I were to try and keep it going, I feel like I would be leading you all on, delaying the inevitable. In all honesty, I wish we could keep going, but... I just don't have it in me. You all probably noticed I was online less and less frequently, responding late, entirely forgetting to say anything about progress. With this apology, I would like to officially close the curtain, and release you all to find role-plays with worthy GMs. Sincerely, Sean Stevens. PS. I might see you guys around, might not. But one thing is certain; you can find me on the RWBY wiki if you ever decide to come rip my throat out for wasting your time.