The early morning sun lain above the mountainside of Eden, casting a warming light onto the three kingdoms. It was morning, a couple hours before afternoon, and half the sky was dressed in a clear blue speckled with white clouds. Following these clouds was a large group of grey clouds, slowly making their way towards the kingdoms with every minute passing by. With the expectation of bad weather came many villagers running around to tend to their chores early, whether it may be tending to crops or visiting the marketplace. While bad weather would dampen their schedules, the castles would be booming with activity for different reasons. Kingdoms Gabriel and Michael received letters from the Kingdom of Raphael an hour ago, a dove for each of them serving as a courier by the King of Raphael. By the choice of courier, it wouldn’t come as a surprise of who sent the letter but more of a surprise that the letter was not signed along with any other names. Not of Rayne’s or Argus’s – no, not even Cordelia’s either – but rather, the lonesome name of Valentine Regnier was the only one, and furthermore both letters were handwritten with a personal address to the rulers of each kingdom. It was an odd thing to do, as it was uncommon for any monarch to write without an accompanying name of fellow ruler, advisor, knight, or even bishop, but it was done. Each letter was addressed to the kings and queen individually, lacking any distinct matching format in each letter. The King of Gabriel would have a different address and format in words than that of King of Michael, perhaps in hopes to catch the others interest as opposed to a mass-produced letter with the same style. One may consider these letters informal, but Valentine would insist that they would be effective and useful, even accepting the fact that he may be judged for such. There were far more important things on the line than that, and Valentine stressed this in each of the letters without disclosing too much information. [i][center]Midday, at the Round Table, a meeting with each monarch of the kingdoms; bring the maximum of four guards – two inside, two outside – , the will to negotiate, and arrive lightly armed in case the worst, as indirectly discussed, comes. Not a battle among fellow kings, but of uninvited ones, those that ought to be feared the most. Respond with haste, hope for peace, and seek for alliance and unity. Signed by Valentine Raphael Regnier, King of Raphael. [/center][/i]