[Center][h2]Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo [color=92278f]Rin[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/J5c43jb.png[/img][/center] An empty street, the only thing that was heard were small footsteps and traffic in the far distance, showing that the city life never stopped and that there would always be people wandering around even late at night. Water splashed around her feet as she walked through the water scattered across the street from the rain piling itself up in the empty holes of the street. Light drips of water hanging from the very ends of her hairs, illuminated by the street lighting right next to her. Rin skipped along the block knowing her destination. She felt some kind of urge to go to the spot she used to call home 8 years ago. It was like it was drawing her in for some reason. She was longing for another memory of back then, were everything was so happy and cheerful. Rin lightly panted every few steps, her feet had a rapid pace tiring the young girl a little in fact. She had a lot of stamina do it wasn't such big deal for her to keep on the pace for a long time. The house was in sight and if she was right she could sense some other presences by their smell and sound. It was clear there was someone else nearby and by the smell Rin could tell they were fairly familiar people. Rin stopped for a moment and took a quick glance over the old worn out house. No sign of any others yet but she would find out soon enough. Her pace slowed as she was drawn closer and closer to what was left of the front door. Rin hesistated a moment but still decided to head in. If it was dangerous it could be killed. If it was friendly she would have to think of a plan quick enough. Rin headed in and carefully moved around. Through the empty rooms to see if there were any more hidden presences. Short after Rin took a deep breath and walked into the room with 5 young ghouls and Asoka together with Hana. Rin stood silently in the door way for a moment. She glanced over the young ghouls and could nothing more then pull a face of disgust by the sight. More people who suffered from the society they lived in. Rin looked up at the two older girls and simply stared. What would be the right reaction to this she thought. [Center][color=92278f]"...Hi"[/color][/center] Her voice crackled. Rin didn't even flinch saying that and stood there in silence for another minute. Rin then placed her back against one of the walls rose her scarf over her mouth as extra safety so the scar would 't be so obvious and folded her arms over each other leaning her entire body against the wall. She took another glance at the two and thought to herself on how they have grown this much. She even needed a moment to see through their appearance so that she knew who they were. Well she never even came close to them anyway. She barely knew their names but still, it felt nice to see that they had at least grown to something that they could be proud of.