Thursday March 21st, 2016 [color=f6989d]8:30 AM[/color] Mina froze when The Boy With the Book reached out to touch her neck. She felt relief, but also disappointment, when he took his hand away. [i]Is this what everyone calls flirting? No, no, that can't be. He was being nice that's all. Or maybe it was because he liked perfect things.[/i] She examined his sleeves that was in her peripheral vision. [i]Yup, not a wrinkle to be seen.[/i] When he asked for her name, she was quite surprised. She was sure that everyone knew her name. After all, people had been talking about her when they thought she wasn't listening. Actually, she found it pretty fascinating. The stories they came up with were very creative. Mina glanced at the outstretched hand, then his smile, and turned back to the page she had been [url=]doodling on[/url]. [i]That smile. That [b]smile.[/b][/i] She tried to keep her face calm. [i]Alden. Alden Sebastien. Where have I heard that before?[/i] It only took a second for her to realize that it was the "perfect guy" that everyone talked about. [i]How did I not recognize him? Eh, probably because I never pay attention to anyone.[/i] "Mina. Mina Cain," she replied, then added a swirl to the petal she just finished doodling. She held it up, and turned it sideways. Mina sighed. [i]This looks [b]so[/b] bad.[/i] She ripped the page out and put it to the side. She was pretty sure that everyone was staring, but she didn't want to look around to check. Plus, they always stare. But for some reason, this one bothered her. [i]Is it because I'm with Alden? Alden... I feel like The Boy With the Book sounds better.[/i]