There seemed to be something going on in the castle. Servants hurried in their steps, people looking somewhat anxious and Serenity couldn't help but notice. She had been resting after a long day of studying in her room, the black nightgown she wore dull and definitely not something you would expect a princess to wear. There was no such thing as 'cute' for the young girl anymore. She would put her hair into a high bun and keep her clothing strictly black or gray, not even an accent of another color. The only the color of her hair and eyes showed any color at all it seemed, though beneath her clothing she held her own precious treasure. The small locket her mother had wore as she died, slightly stained in blood. That was the ten-year-old's little secret. Serenity had taken away the locket before anyone had properly grasped what items the queen had been wearing when she was dead. Nity hadn't known at the time what had been going through her mind when she took it, wailing over her mother's dead body. At first, Auberon had tried to keep her away, it wasn't something a child should see, but the different advisor's had tried to talk over one another until she had escaped his arms. The front of the long white frilly nightgown she had been wearing was stained deeply in crimson, along with her hands and face. Pushing those thoughts away, Nity slipped out of her bed and opened the door quietly to her rooms, she didn't want to be caught by any of the maids and herded back in. Not bothering to wear anything more than her nightgown and an off-white undercoat, she slipped through the palace halls, searching for her brother and sister. It was only when she arrived at the corner before her sister's study that she caught sight of Auberon, heading inside with a letter of some sort. Once he had walked inside, she crept up to the still open door and peered slightly inside. King Valentine...? That was the King of Raphael, correct? Serenity couldn't help but wonder what the King had written, some kind of news connected to the Queen and King of Michael. Her hands clenched into fists.