Jaakuna looked at Emiri curiously, an eyebrow raised as she seemed to be deep in thought. He wanted to ask her what was on her mind, but as he would see not even a full second later, she would shake her head, and have the look of how her body was telling her to sleep or something. That would be further be evident as Emiri look at Jaakuna, asking him how long he was going to look at her. Her laughed lightly. [b][color=ed1c24]"Obviously not any longer,"[/color][/b] he commented, joining Emiri as he would wrap his arms around her, making sure she was as close as she possibly could be to him without sacrificing any sense of comfort. [hr] As she said those words to him, Wesley genuinely smiled. It wasn't that he didn't already know that she felt that way for him. Of course Wesley knew she loved him, or else she would have never accepted his marriage proposal. Or else she wouldn't have said, or did, half of the things that she did or said for/to him. He knew that, and yet when she told him she loved him, it got to him. For a moment, Wesley was a bit speechless. Maybe it was the fact that she was saying goodbye to all that she knew because he decided that it was time for him to go back home, or maybe it was something else entirely. Regardless, Wesley couldn't find himself to respond instantly. A moment would pass before he would. [color=fff79a][b]"Nadeline, I love you too,"[/b][/color] Wesley knew that was the first thing he would say was, but more seemed to be coming. [color=fff79a][b]"You mean the world to me, and if I haven't said—or did enough—to show you, then let tonight be the night that I show you once and for all that you, Nadeline Lenore Roselia, are the only one for me."[/b][/color] Wesley said, his eyes never leaving those sapphire stones that he could spend the rest of his days looking at. [hr] Well that was unexpected. Savayna had to take a moment. She scanned the area in her room that she and Grant were in, and spotted a chair against the wall. It was only a few feet away, so she walked over there, leaving Grant to be wherever he was at. She really needed to sit. After all of that, Savayna was still in a bit of a shock after Grant pretty much said that he wanted to go to Mt. Bur-Omisace, where to her most recent knowledge, her parents were in hiding/shelter/whatever. To her, that meant furthered the idea of him wanting her father's approval. [color=lightblue][b]"Alright, so we're going to Omisace. Cool."[/b][/color] Savayna's eyes were staring at the wall, her hands on her lap. She didn't even make direct eye contact with Grant. She was lightly nodding her head. [color=lightblue][b]"Fine, guess there's no choice. Uh-huh, Omisace it is.."[/b][/color] Savayna said, same direction at the wall, same still-in-shock look.