[center] [color=008B8B][h1][i]Morgan Thatcher[/i][/h1][/color] [img]http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/13300000/Willa-Holland-willa-holland-13327239-303-445.jpg[/img] Location: Cafe Interacting with: Aron [@BlackPanther], Charlie [@Smarty0114], Cassandra [@Caits], Cash [@Narcotic Dollie], Alexandria [@ChaoticFox] and Gage [@BlackPanther][/center][hr] Still full from the venison, Morgan had been wandering around town. Though she loved her family, she could only tolerate them oh so much. They were too chatty. Too talkative. Every single time she sat at the table with them, Morgan would be humming to herself rather than joining in on the rowdy bunch. Mom and dad were ... well mom and dad. Jeremy and Cassie weren't any better. Josephine teased her every opportunity she got. Kimberly saved her whenever she could. Kimberly. Twin power she thought to herself. Taking out her android phone, Morgan readjusted her earbuds and changed the song to some good ole' Bill Withers. 'A Lovely Day' came on as she Morgan smiled. Moving her body to the rhythm, Morgan began to hum the melody as she walked down main street. Walking by an old couple, Morgan waved. [color=008B8B]"Afternoon Mr. Johnston. Mrs. Johnston."[/color] "Hello! Out for a walk?" Mr. Johnston asked. [color=008B8B]"Yup,"[/color] Morgan said as she spun around and waved again. [color=008B8B]"Good seeing you."[/color] Turning back around, Morgan shifted her messenger bag to the front. She peeked in. [color=008B8B]"When the day that lies ahead of me. Seems impossible to face."[/color] Shuffling her things about, she spotted her notebook. It was more sacred than the bible. The majority of her song ideas were sketched. Filled with chord progressions, hooks, and even some piano solo notes drawn in on a makeshift staff, Morgan would murder whoever ruined in. [color=008B8B]"When someone else instead of me. Always seems to know the way."[/color] Feeling her phone buzz, Morgan pulled it out. She had several unread texts. Meh. She opened Kimberly's: [i]Fish and chips, Morg! Fish and chips![/i] Morgan smiled as she typed back: [i]You'll get fat >;p[/i] A message came back: [i]You eat more than me >:(![/i] Morgan laughed and typed back: [i]Love you ;)[/i] She put her phone away. Looking about, Morgan's eyes were drawn to a yellow jeep. She rose an eyebrow. Red Lake was small enough to know pretty much everyone. Course there was the odd person out, but mostly everyone. In all her years growing up in this town, she'd never seen the jeep before. Her eyes moved to the music cases in the trunk. Her curiosity was peeked. Seeing the jeep parked in front of the cafe, Morgan pushed her sunglasses up and walked in. Looking around, Morgan spotted Gage, Aron, and Charlie all doing whatever they did. She worked at the Red Lake Music Foundry. Kind of disconnected she thought to herself. She liked it that way though. Spotting Officer Callaway and sweet Marlene, Morgan waved. [color=008B8B]"Hi Callaway. Marlene,"[/color] she said before moving towards the cafe counter. She offered a brief smile to Charlie, Gage, and Aron. [color=008B8B]"Hey guys. Aron, could I get a coffee? Hazelnut. Um, could you add a dash of milk in there and maybe a sugar? I can do it too. If it's too much trouble."[/color] Pulling out the bills needed to cover it, she slid it over. [color=008B8B]"Right. Thanks."[/color] Looking around, Morgan's eyes lit up as she saw Cassandra playing the guitar and singing. Forgetting about the three bros, she sauntered on over and stopped a good distance away. She made the 'okay' sign with her hand and mouthed 'awesome'. That was when her eyes drew towards the one person she didn't know in the cafe. Her curiosity reemerged. She walked over to the table for two and sat down. [color=008B8B]"There's, um, a yellow jeep parked outside,"[/color] she said. [color=008B8B]"It has music cases in the trunk. Maybe a saxophone for one of them? I don't know my brass. But, well..."[/color] Morgan was rambling, and she was probably annoying the stranger. Hell, she was annoying herself. She bit her lip. [color=008B8B]"Huge assuming happening on my part. Is that your jeep? Jazz?"[/color][hr] [center][color=6A5ACD][i][h1]Kimberly Thatcher[/h1][/i][/color] [img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/8d622644f5596a6d12369c30eab01e3a/tumblr_inline_nmocnuCkag1sdvp0b_500.gif[/img] Location: Vanessa's diner Interacting with: Alyssa [@Meiyuki], Vanessa [@BeautifulSnow] Riley [@Nallore], Avalon [@smarty0114], and Miranda [@Damo021] [/center] [hr] Catching Alyssa's comment about her bathing suit, Kimberly looked over and gave her the sexiest look she could muster. [color=6A5ACD]"I knew it. See Riley? This girl's going all out this time. Well, welcome to the bikini club,"[/color] Kimberly said. She looked at Alyssa's hair and nodded. [color=6A5ACD]"Hot, Lyssa."[/color] When Vanessa came over, Kimberly spun on her chair and beamed when she heard the coffee was on the house. [color=6A5ACD]"You're amazing, Vanessa!"[/color] she said. [color=6A5ACD]"Could I get the chicken sandwich? I'm trying to stop getting my default fish and chips. Though I love me some fish and chips."[/color] Pursing her lips, Kimberly sighed. [color=6A5ACD]"Actually, can I get the fish and chips? God, I suck."[/color] Taking a sip from her coffee, Kimberly reached over for sugar packet and cream. When Vanessa said she was tagging along, Kimberly's eyes widened in surprise. Pleasant surprise. [color=6A5ACD]"Excited about hanging out with a bunch of teenagers? We might be too much for you to handle,"[/color] she said. Kimberly chuckled. [color=6A5ACD]"I joke. But that's great! I feel like we don't see each other too often. Outside me pigging out here of course. Wow, everyone's really coming then."[/color] Pulling out her phone, Kimberly sent a quick message off to Morgan: [i]Fish and chips, Morg! Fish and chips![/i] A few seconds later, Morgan's reply came back. "Rude!" Kimberly scoffed as she responded: [i]You eat more than me >:(![/i] Morgan's response: [i]Love you ;)[/i] Putting her phone back into her purse, Kimberly thought of ways to get back at Morgan. She started it. It was on. Hearing the door open again, Kimberly's eyes lit up as she felt her chest tighten ever so slowly. [color=6A5ACD]"Miri!"[/color] she said. When Miranda got a little closer, Kimberly stood up and pulled her into a hug. [color=6A5ACD]"Hello!"[/color]